
Jessica & Chris - Wedding Shower


This evening Tracy and I attended the Couple Wedding Shower for Jessica and Chris. Their wedding is in a few short weeks, that's right my best friend and my brother are getting married only weeks apart; and a few thousand miles. The theme of the wedding shower was "Beach Party" and Chris' parents really did a great job. The food was great, the games fun and the atmosphere just like it should be; warm and friendly.

I brought my camera along and just felt compelled to take photos. I love photography and just don't take enough photos, although Tracy would probably disagree with that statement. Tonight I got a few good shots, of course I took nearly 300 pictures. I'v haven't culled through them yet, but did quickly choose about 30 or so that I liked and put them up on Flickr. The link is below, if you are interested in seeing them.

Photos of Wedding Shower

Bro Getting Hitched - Stop & Smell the Roses

Well, you should have heard, but if not... my little brother is getting married. Yes, yes, he isn't that little anymore; nor all that young. Sorry Bro, but you are over 30! Anyway, in just over a week he gets hitched to a wonderful young lady that everyone in the family looks forward to calling "family." I mean, she puts up with Brion so she must be an angel and therefore must be worthy of our family.

Due to work commitments and the commitment of our new home neither Tracy nor I will be able to attend the festivities. Courtney though will be attending along with Jim and Sharon. We are sad that we won't be able to be there in person, and I was looking forward to taking some photos. Just couldn't make it happen for all three of us and there could be no better ambassador for our family than Courtney. I think she would walk there anyway if I didn't put her on a plane. She was there less than two months ago and can't wait to go back. Jim and Sharon are looking forward to having her come with them as well.

So, Brion and Rachel, while we can't be there in person; we will be there in spirit. On that special day we will be thinking of you often and know that you day will be special beyond all belief. Take from two that recently got hitched, enjoy the moment and don't forget to stop and smell the roses. The day will go by quick, very quick. So wake-up early, and stay-up late. Say "hello" to every guest and smile all day long. You are starting a new life together, but there will only be ONE FIRST DAY, ONE WEDDING DAY.

We love you both!

Getting Married Shortly

Well, if you have been reading my other website,, then you know I am getting married shortly. Yep, in just a few days I will be a married man. I've been doing well all week, but I have to say that I am slowly getting a bit nervous. Not about being a married man, just about the whole event. We have 120 folks showing up, and that is bound to make any guy a little nervous about making the event the best one possible and for a wedding, keeping it from being a total bore. Having the wedding in a pub should help keep the "bore" quotient down.

After the wedding Tracy and I are off on our honeymoon, 10 days of it. A very enjoyable vacation to be sure in a very sunny destination; although the current weather report says it won't be quite so sunny. Apparently we chose the rainy season; but if it is like most monsoon seasons.... that means it rains every day, but just for a little while. Hopefully that just means higher humidity; but then we are going to be on a beach all the time so I was expecting a little humidity anyway.

While we are there we should be posting messages and photos, maybe even a quick video or too. So check out for more!

Honeymoon Photos

Tracy and I leave in a week for St. Thomas and we are very much looking forward to it. While we are there I hope to regularly post photos to EternalMagic for each day of the trip. You can find that section of the website located here. We are also taking our video camera and if I am lucky and my knowledge of iMovie allows me to, I will post some video of our Honeymoon local as well. See you on the web!

Wedding Web Site Debuted Today

Today I proposed to Tracy and you can read more about that proposal on Eternal Magic, the website I designed exclusively for our impending wedding. I decided to design my own site around a blog, or journal, like this one. Tracy and I had looked at a bunch of wedding sites. They offered some nifty features, but you didn't have full control over them and once the wedding was over the site was no longer yours. Some allowed you to get a CD of the entire site, but still, a total lack of real control. Plus it seemed more romantic and more pragmatic to design our own. I already have a full blown website and have been doing my own blog for sometime now, it seemed a natural progression.

I designed the site to have a the Wedding Journal as the center piece, but not the only piece. The site also gives information on the bride and groom, the wedding party, the rings and the honeymoon; as well as links to gift registry, accommodations in Dallas and a guest book for visitors to the site to sign. Finally there is a section for photos and eventually videos. An additional section will most likely be added about the wedding video. While we plan on hiring a professional to video the wedding ceremony and reception; we have decided that I will actually edit the video. While this is a time consuming process and one that I don't do very often, I have done a few videos in the past for friends and like the website it seems only a natural progression to do our wedding video. Keep your eye out for more information on that. Once complete we will have to decide how many copies we will make and how we will distribute them. It will be a fun, all-be-it, painstaking task.

I won't be doing the only creative portion of the wedding. Tracy has already decided that she wants to do the invitations and the program. I may also be lending a hand in that regard as well. We don't want to take on too much, but I think we both want to put as much of our talents into the wedding as we can. Where we have the talents and the time we will do what we can, and where we don't we will hire professionals. In the end our goal is to have a romantic and fun wedding that all of our family and friends will enjoy as much as we do.

So check out Eternal Magic occasionally for the latest details on our wedding and don't forget to check back here for my personal musings about the world I live in.