Bro Getting Hitched - Stop & Smell the Roses

Well, you should have heard, but if not... my little brother is getting married. Yes, yes, he isn't that little anymore; nor all that young. Sorry Bro, but you are over 30! Anyway, in just over a week he gets hitched to a wonderful young lady that everyone in the family looks forward to calling "family." I mean, she puts up with Brion so she must be an angel and therefore must be worthy of our family.

Due to work commitments and the commitment of our new home neither Tracy nor I will be able to attend the festivities. Courtney though will be attending along with Jim and Sharon. We are sad that we won't be able to be there in person, and I was looking forward to taking some photos. Just couldn't make it happen for all three of us and there could be no better ambassador for our family than Courtney. I think she would walk there anyway if I didn't put her on a plane. She was there less than two months ago and can't wait to go back. Jim and Sharon are looking forward to having her come with them as well.

So, Brion and Rachel, while we can't be there in person; we will be there in spirit. On that special day we will be thinking of you often and know that you day will be special beyond all belief. Take from two that recently got hitched, enjoy the moment and don't forget to stop and smell the roses. The day will go by quick, very quick. So wake-up early, and stay-up late. Say "hello" to every guest and smile all day long. You are starting a new life together, but there will only be ONE FIRST DAY, ONE WEDDING DAY.

We love you both!