
How To Spice Up Your Screen

Don't be bored with that old background every again. Why be stuck with that same stale Windows background. Does your iPhone's stock background bore you? Maybe the black lock-screen has you down? There is a website you must check out that can supply background for every screen in your house; even your 55" TV!

Cool CSS Effects in Future Web Browsers

This is truly very cool. I came across this YouTube on MacRumors (my favorite Mac News/Rumors site). Basically what you are going to see in this video is 3D effects with images in a browser window. No flash or Silverlight mind you, but a proposed standard for website creation. Apple has asked that this code be included in HTML 5. Apparently Snow Leopard and browsers based on WebKit (Safari is one of them) will make use of this technology. Here is the link to the MacRumors story - 3D CSS EFFECETS IN SNOW LEOPARD...

New President - New Whitehouse.gov

Whitehouse.gov Website

With a new President we get a new Whitehouse.gov. The last major change was brought by George W. Bush a few months after he took office in 2001. It seems that President Obama is one to not let tasks sit idle. The new Whitehouse.gov was up and running just minutes before he took the oath of office. I’ve run through it quickly and I have to say the design is better than the last version. It offers the same history, but looks to have more RSS feeds and seems to be more media rich than the previous website. I’ve always enjoyed reading through the President’s website. There is lots of history and information about our government. You can’t help but learn a little while you read it.

Check it out, after all it’s the People’s website.

Where to Watch the Obama Inauguration

Like most Americans watching our the Presidential inauguration every four years is always a challenge since it happens at noon on what is typically a work day. So, what’s a boy to do? Well, find places on the net to watch it or listen to it. Obviously every TV and radio news service will be covering the event; and many of those with web counterparts will make video and audio streams available too. Below I will provide some links to likely or confirmed sites. Streams could be difficult to get stable, so you may have to “shop” around. Don’t forget international sites; while an American event, it has world wide implications.

Here is a great article from CNet about watching coverage on-line.

UStream - Live Video Coverage (Confirmed Live Coverage) CNN 44th President Inauguration Coverage (Coverage With FaceBook) ABC News Guide to the Inauguration CBS Live Inaugural Video (Confirmed Live Coverage) Fox News on Hulu.com (Confirmed 2 Hours of Coverage) MSNBC - The Inauguration

Enjoy this amazing moment in world politics, not just because it’s the first U.S. President of African-American heritage but because its a transfer of power that on January 20th will have occurred 44 times for more than 200 years under one constitution and no use of military power.

Think about it for just a moment as you watch the celebration. Celebrate the fact that while stable governments are not unheard of throughout history, long term stable governments of the people were incredibly unusual until the 1780’s when the current US Constitution was ratified. Just think about it and remember, America is more about red and blue states; it’s about the Red, White, Blue and Stars of Old Glory that peoples around the world more often than not see as a shinning beacon of hope and what is possible.

New RapidWeaver - New Site?

Well, today a new version of Rapidweaver was released. For those of you that don’t know, RapidWeaver is what I use to build my websites. It is the program that really got me to think long and hard about moving back to Macintosh. RapidWeaver makes creating a website, stupid easy. So does Apple’s iWeb, but the difference between them is that you can grow with RapidWeaver.

Anyway, today version 4.0 was released. While they haven’t added any major new features, they have rebuilt the entire interface and it’s gorgeous. It also seems easier to use. I really can’t pass final judgement as the Gold released was only today, but I was using the beta for the past few weeks.

In the past with each new version of RapidWeaver I have made some big to major changes on my website. The current version of the webside debuted a few weeks after 3.6; the last major upgrade. I believe that this current version of the site would be KellysWorld V3, or as software developers have begun to do --- KellysWorld ’06.

So, does this mean it is time for a KellysWorld ’08. Not sure. I have to say that when I do a new version I have a tendancy to update the site more for awhile; but eventually that comes to a hault. I’ve stopped storing photos on my website and have started using different sites in the past several months. Most recently posting my photos to my .Mac gallery. It’s the photos folks come to see anyway.

I don’t know. The fun is in the designing of the site, the graphics, layout and any new tools I can throw at the site. Of course after a month or two I go back to a minimilst approach as you see with KellysWorld in its current state.

Well, I’m sure wild horses couldn’t keep me from making at least some changes; and heck, why not. Change doesn’t always have to serve a high and powerful service, sometimes change can just be about trying on a new outfit; or a new layout.

Social Networking

If you've been following my website for a while, you know that near the end of last year I added a Twitter box to the navigation side of my website. Since getting my iPhone I've begun Twittering and following Twittering more closely. I don't have a wide network of friends, mostly it is folks that are into technology (mostly Macs) and whose opinions I care about. I've met, virtually of course, a few others that I follow. I have to say that Twittering is fun and during the day makes me feel a little more connected to the world at large. It's strange how a service that allows folks to connect virtually with no human contact, makes me feel more connected.

After getting more involved in Twitter, I heard folks talking about Facebook. So I decided to see what all the fuss was about. I created a Facebook account a last week and it's pretty interesting. I even found an old friend from college. i found another, but he hasn't yet responded. I even found my daughter on Facebook; but she hasn't responded either. Hmmm, could it be a pattern?

Anyway below are the links to my Twitter page and my Facebook page. Check them out and Join the Digital Social Revolution!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kspore
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/people/Kelly_Spore/1032206172

Social Networking

If you've been following my website for a while, you know that near the end of last year I added a Twitter box to the navigation side of my website. Since getting my iPhone I've begun Twittering and following Twittering more closely. I don't have a wide network of friends, mostly it is folks that are into technology (mostly Macs) and whose opinions I care about. I've met, virtually of course, a few others that I follow. I have to say that Twittering is fun and during the day makes me feel a little more connected to the world at large. It's strange how a service that allows folks to connect virtually with no human contact, makes me feel more connected.

After getting more involved in Twitter, I heard folks talking about Facebook. So I decided to see what all the fuss was about. I created a Facebook account a last week and it's pretty interesting. I even found an old friend from college. i found another, but he hasn't yet responded. I even found my daughter on Facebook; but she hasn't responded either. Hmmm, could it be a pattern?

Anyway below are the links to my Twitter page and my Facebook page. Check them out and Join the Digital Social Revolution!

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kspore
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/people/Kelly_Spore/1032206172