
A Friend's Blog

A friend of mine has been working on a couple of blogs and podcasts for some time. He is actually pretty good at the podcasting. He has all the necessary equipment and the knowledge to make it work. His challenge has been two fold. First, some of the relationships he has fostered for his podcasting and blogging have not born fruit. Second, frustration matched with restrictions on his time have made his endeavor very difficult.

I too attempted to start my own blog and podcast last year, but didn't have good relationships with anyone of note that could help and I too lacked the necessary free time. Actually, I lacked the enthusiasm. I had a plan though.

Of late I have offered that plan to him with the hopes those designs may aid him in his endeavors better than they did in my aborted attempts. They are by no means special or even that specific, but they are building blocks based on what I've seen of others and what may be the cornerstone of their success.

I may provide my friend with more substsintial assistance, if he asks; but even if I don't I know my plans will have seen some fruit. I also know that I have helped a friend. If I'm allowed to participate in the production then I'm sure I will enjoy doing so.

If I do, I will post the results here.

Helping a Friend - Feels Good

Today I had a long conversation with a friend of mine about podcasting, websites and just trying to keep a schedule. I know I'm probably not the best at implementation - see The Apple Professor website for proof; but I do pay a great deal of attention to the world of technology and podcasting. Basically I acted as a springboard for ideas. We brainstormed together and helped him to get see the groove. You can't get "into the groove" unless you know where that groove happens to lie. You don't want to get into the "groove" unless you know where it is going. He has some great ideas of his own and a pretty good voice for podcasting, unlike yours truly. He's also succeeded where I failed. Yet, being the guy that folks talk with to help them get their own juices going is par for the course for me; and I enjoy being that person. I am a "know-it-all" after all and us "know-it-alls" do need to impart our great and powerful knowledge to anyone that dares to sit still and listen. We aren't above handcuffing someone to a radiator to keep them still.

I'm hoping my poking and thoughts will be of help for my friend as he ventures back into the cold hard world of podcasting. I may be taking a more personal role as well. I'm happy to do so if he feels I will be of assistance. I enjoy my day job, but everyone needs a good hobby and good distractions.

I just feels good helping a friend, and making new friends. i"m not the most social of creatures, as anyone that knows me will attest to, but I do like to hear myself talk. I really don't even need someone handcuffed to a radiator, I will talk without them. Yes, I know my own foibles.

In the coming days and weeks we will see if my advice was helpful, if my suggestions of use. If not, then no harm no foul; if they were then I can rest easy in knowing that I was able to aid a friend in figuring a few things out successfully.

It's Friday - Excellent

TGIFIt feels like a week twice as long as normal, but it was in actuality a day shorter. It didn't help my number one was on vacation at work and I had a major nut to crack with regards to training. Friday is here now, so I'm happy.

Doubly so because tonight I'm taking my lovely wife out to dinner; just the two of us. Going to our favorite Austrian Cafe, Jorges. It's wonderfully relaxing and fantastically quaint. I was hoping to take my brother there in August, but alas it appears he and is family can't come. He's been accepted into grad school. Damn proud of my little brother.

Tomorrow I should be seeing a old family friend that I've not seen since I graduated from college. Actually it may have been high school. He was always a rock when I was a boy. I met him in Civil Air Patrol. Yes, I wore a silly blue uniform for a spell. It's always nice to see old friends. So many have drifted into the mist of time.

For fun, I think I'm going to try and catch Transformer 3 this weekend. Both of my daughters, my usual movie buddies, went and saw it with friends. Can you believe it, they both ditched me for friends!! Transformers isn't going to be Oscar winning material, but a summer movie should be more like an amusement park ride and less like a night at the theater. Don't get me wrong, The King's Speech is one of my all time favorites and The Lord Of The Rings managed to cover both bases; but a two hour explosive ride is my idea of a good summer movie.

This weekend I might even see if I can finish Infamous. I'm actually enjoying that game. Next time I play though, I'm going EVIL. If you haven't tried it out, you should. I believe Infamous 2 is already out, maybe a Christmas present.

I can tell you the one thing I'm not doing - working outside! It's silly hot out here in Texas and just looking outside makes me sweat! I'm sure that Tracy will come up with some tasks too, the infamous "honey dos." It's my weekend for laundry I think. There is also an article I need to finish for The Moxie Mo Show Blog.

Well, it's time to start the weekend. Too bad it's only two days this week. Sure would love another four day work week, even a long one like this week.

Jessica & Chris - Wedding Shower


This evening Tracy and I attended the Couple Wedding Shower for Jessica and Chris. Their wedding is in a few short weeks, that's right my best friend and my brother are getting married only weeks apart; and a few thousand miles. The theme of the wedding shower was "Beach Party" and Chris' parents really did a great job. The food was great, the games fun and the atmosphere just like it should be; warm and friendly.

I brought my camera along and just felt compelled to take photos. I love photography and just don't take enough photos, although Tracy would probably disagree with that statement. Tonight I got a few good shots, of course I took nearly 300 pictures. I'v haven't culled through them yet, but did quickly choose about 30 or so that I liked and put them up on Flickr. The link is below, if you are interested in seeing them.

Photos of Wedding Shower

Best Friend's Birthday - Celebrating a New Year

This past weekend we celebrated my best friend's birthday. I actually "planned" the event which basically consisted of making the reservations and sending out the e-mails inviting some 20 people to the party. Jess already knew where she wanted to go and what she wanted to do, but wanted someone to put the pieces together. Afterall, the birthday celebratee shouldn't have to actually plan their own birthday party. That's just WRONG.

It wasn't difficult and I was honored to actually make the arrangements, simple though they may have been. Tracy and I did take Jess out to dinner prior to the party and Tracy had gotten her a small gift. Mostly though we just had the pleasure of spending the evening with her and the rest of our "group." Some of whom had joined us for Memorial Day this past summer.

The next day Jess invited us over to her mother's house to have dinner with her family and celebrate not only her birthday but also her sister's. The added bonus was that they all got to meet Tracy for the first time. Jess' mom's cooking is usually fantastic and she didn't dissapoint.

All-in-all Jess seemed to have had a great birthday and we got to enjoy a pretty relaxful weekend to boot and end it feeling pretty good about helping a close friend ring in a new year. Birthday's can be hard at times, but when you have some friends to share the event with and family to share it with, no matter what the previous 12 months may have brought, it gives you the feeling that the next 12 months will be that much better. I know that's how I felt back in August and I think Jess felt the same way.

Breakfast At Ballard Street Cafe

This morning before heading off to work I was lucky enough to get a chance to eat breakfast with an old friend, Brett. He and his wife were in town for a few days to see an old college buddy that was heavily involved in the opening of a new church in the Dallas area. Brett and Arly (his wife) came over this morning to get the 5 cent tour of my house and then go get breakfast at Wylies best known eatery, The Ballard Street Cafe. Best breakfast, lunch and dinner served in the greater Wylie area. Actually, people come from all around to enjoy Sunday breakfast at the Cafe.

The three of us enjoyed catching up on recent events, but it didn't last nearly long enough. After a few hours they had to head back to Tulsa and I had to go to work. We don't get to see each other very much, but when we do it is always a good time.

For those of you that don't know, Brett and I go way back. We met back in highschool when I was all of 15. Knowing someone so well for nearly two decades is a strange and wonderous thing. Two decades? Ehhhhh... I am getting old; but so is he! Brett... think car wash... That's all, just think car wash. Everyone else, too bad. Not gonna tell.

Hopefully he and Arly will be back down my way soon. Maybe I will even get a regular job that will allow me to take off for a weekend. There's a thought!