Wedding Web Site Debuted Today

Today I proposed to Tracy and you can read more about that proposal on Eternal Magic, the website I designed exclusively for our impending wedding. I decided to design my own site around a blog, or journal, like this one. Tracy and I had looked at a bunch of wedding sites. They offered some nifty features, but you didn't have full control over them and once the wedding was over the site was no longer yours. Some allowed you to get a CD of the entire site, but still, a total lack of real control. Plus it seemed more romantic and more pragmatic to design our own. I already have a full blown website and have been doing my own blog for sometime now, it seemed a natural progression.

I designed the site to have a the Wedding Journal as the center piece, but not the only piece. The site also gives information on the bride and groom, the wedding party, the rings and the honeymoon; as well as links to gift registry, accommodations in Dallas and a guest book for visitors to the site to sign. Finally there is a section for photos and eventually videos. An additional section will most likely be added about the wedding video. While we plan on hiring a professional to video the wedding ceremony and reception; we have decided that I will actually edit the video. While this is a time consuming process and one that I don't do very often, I have done a few videos in the past for friends and like the website it seems only a natural progression to do our wedding video. Keep your eye out for more information on that. Once complete we will have to decide how many copies we will make and how we will distribute them. It will be a fun, all-be-it, painstaking task.

I won't be doing the only creative portion of the wedding. Tracy has already decided that she wants to do the invitations and the program. I may also be lending a hand in that regard as well. We don't want to take on too much, but I think we both want to put as much of our talents into the wedding as we can. Where we have the talents and the time we will do what we can, and where we don't we will hire professionals. In the end our goal is to have a romantic and fun wedding that all of our family and friends will enjoy as much as we do.

So check out Eternal Magic occasionally for the latest details on our wedding and don't forget to check back here for my personal musings about the world I live in.