Jessica & Chris - Wedding Shower


This evening Tracy and I attended the Couple Wedding Shower for Jessica and Chris. Their wedding is in a few short weeks, that's right my best friend and my brother are getting married only weeks apart; and a few thousand miles. The theme of the wedding shower was "Beach Party" and Chris' parents really did a great job. The food was great, the games fun and the atmosphere just like it should be; warm and friendly.

I brought my camera along and just felt compelled to take photos. I love photography and just don't take enough photos, although Tracy would probably disagree with that statement. Tonight I got a few good shots, of course I took nearly 300 pictures. I'v haven't culled through them yet, but did quickly choose about 30 or so that I liked and put them up on Flickr. The link is below, if you are interested in seeing them.

Photos of Wedding Shower