Uploaded Da Vinci House Photos


While I don't have photos of every part of the house, these photos should give you a good idea of what our new home looks like. The photos are not in full color for two reasons: 1) I like the look, 2) the color versions had a red tint to them that I couldn't remove. I've also tried something new, I'm linking to Flickr direclty. So if you click on the photos you will be taken to Flickr; from there you will be able to see a slide show of the photos are select the ones you like. Flickr also allows you to order photos.
You will find these photos a few different ways. One, click on the photo to the left, click on the text in the left column that states "New Photos of Da Vinci House in Wylie" or click on the link below.

Photos of Da Vinci House