
Blast From the Past - Karaoke Kelly

Kelly Attempting KaraokeIn a time before I married, before I had kids and grand kids, I was a less than happening single guy. That being said I wasn't a complete dullard and did know how to have a little fun, with the help of friends. Two of those friends were neighbors. Jim, Jennifer and their two kids lived across the street. We were the perfect neighbor friends. We kept an eye on each other's houses, watched each other's pets and invited each other to celebrations. One such occasion was Jim's birthday in 2004.

They had the gang over for fun, food, booze and karaoke! I really didn't want to join in the singing, but after much pressure and so many failed attempts at carrying a tune I decided that I couldn't possibly be any worse than the rest. To sweeten the deal they said it could be a duet.

I sang with one of Jim's friends. Don't recall his name. I also don't recall what we sang. I do remember we did two numbers together and had a blast. He could carry a tune better than I, which is to say the pets it the household weren't running for cover.

Once we were done, I put the weapon down (the mike) and let others attempt to do a better job. I much preferred providing tech support to the Karaoke machine than to using it; but it was all in good fun.

2004 seems like such a long time ago. Little did I know that just a few months after this picture was taken I would meet and eventually marry my wife. Beginning a new life and a new duet, a proper duet with someone who can actually carry a tune that doesn't scare the pets of the house.

Carlos Jr - 5th Birthday

Junior's Birthday Cake - 5th YearI'm uploading photos to Flickr and below you will find a side-show to the photos. I apologize that the photos aren't the greatest. I'm still learning how to use my Sony point-and-shoot camera. It does a good job, problems are related to the operator. Everyone seemed to have a great time, including Junior; who made out like a bandit this year. No really, he got enough Nerf guns to start his own small army of bandits. If you hear about a bank getting rolled over in the next few weeks by a gang of pre-school students; you know Junior was the lead bandit.

I've also posted from videos from the party. Those are posted on my YouTube channel.

Do you want to share some photos of the birthday party? Let me know!

If you want to download any of my photos, feel free! Just follow the link to Flickr's website and choose the quality you want. You can find all my photos on Flickr.

Photos and Videos after the break.

Photos Slide-Show

Flash Video (iPhone or iPad, Try This Link)

Cake Full of Face httpvh://

Bring Down that Pinata httpvh://

Water Balloon Fight httpvh://

Courtney's Birthday

Today we celebrated Courtney's birthday and Mother's Day. Her birthday isn't for a few days yet, but why not celebrate a little early.As far as presents go she got the standard fare of clothes, shoes and gift certificates. Including some shorts that live up to their description. Not so sure I'm ready for her to "grow up." The cake is a Baskin Robbins Icecream cake and it's very good. Ofcourse it figures that Courtney was just a little too full so she is waiting till later to have some. That's assuming there's any left.

Medieval Times

Tonight I'm taking the family to Medieval Times to celebrate one of our daughters 18th birthday. I've been before, but only once. Our youngest has never been, and the others have been several times. If you haven't heard of Medieval Times before, have you seen The Cable Guy?There is a scene in that movie that takes place in one of the Medieval Times.Basically it's a 2 hour event that includes watching various medieval equestrian events like jousting while you enjoy a multicourse meal served by a multitude of serving wenches in medieval style. In other words you are left to tear, cut and scoop with only the eating utensils you were born with: fingers and teeth. It's all about the atmoshphere. It's not inexpensive, $60 a ticket, but it's also not something you do with any regularity. The events and the food don't change much over time, so what you saw last year will be simillar to what you see this year; but the same can be said of a broadway show, and you don't get to tear at a chicken on broadway! It's a fun way to celebrate her birthday and more important it's what she wanted to do for birthday number 18. Wow, I've got an 18 year old daughter??!?