Video of the Week

Video of the Week 8/31: Fake but Great - iPhone Ad

This morning I found this iPhone Ad "Leaked New iPhone Commercial" on YouTube. It's a little long for an iPhone commercial (more than a minute) but it's really well made. Here's the short description - iPhone Apps for the man who's girlfriend has broken up with him. Okay, now just hit play!

UPDATE: I've decided to make this one the Video of the Week for August 31st.

Video of the Week: 8/24

If you spend anytime on YouTube at all you have probably run across at least one of the videos done by iJustine. She is what I've heard referred to as an Internet Celebrity. She does regular video blogging and video skits. A few of the more recent ones have been spoofs. This video is a spoof of the Black Eyed Peas song - "I Gotta Feeling." It's not the funniest thing on the net; but it is good and what's more amazing - she does this all in her apartment doing most if not all of the work herself. I might add it's all done on Macs. But of course! Oh in the video she is making fun of profile pictures. Those are the photos that folks use on FaceBook or other social media sites to show themselves off. You, of course, want to look good in those photos and have them show off who you "really" are; or aren't as the case may be.

Video of the Week: 8/10 - Trailer 2012

I love trailers, and whether this movie is good or not... the trailer sure is fun. It's coming out in November, which seems like a strange release date for a movie like this; but November isn't a throwaway month either. Day After Tomorrow was a similar movie and made by the same folks. Cool special effects. Lots of destruction. The world on the edge of oblivion. Who knows, maybe a Mac will save the day! Okay, probably not, but it did in Independence Day and that was made by the same folks too. Enjoy the trailer to - 2012.

Video of the Week 7/20 - Sir Ian McKellen & Ricky Gervais

You know him best as Gandolf the Wizard from Lord of the Rings, he is Sir Ian McKellen. He is a very serious actor, but has a wicked sense of humor. I've seen him on Saturday Night Live and loved it. Apparently he appeared with Ricky Gervais (creator and star of the original "Office" on the BBC) on what I assume was a TV show in England starring Ricky Gervais. Anyway, this couple minute skit is British comedy at some of it's best. Admittedly dry by American standards, but not so dry that I don't think you won't enjoy it. Watch Ricky Gervais face through the skit; classic!

Video of the Week 7/13 - Roller Dancing Babies

This commercial is just so increadible cool... but yet Creepy... It was made by Evian and it's one of those commercials where the product doesn't take center stage; it's more like an endorsement at the beginging and the end. My wife and I saw it on the news the other day and I found it on YouTube. The US Version (posted by Evian it seems) has had 5,473,361 views since it was posted on YouTube on July 2nd, 2009. If I understand correctly the original ad aired overseas in Northern Europe; but has now aired here in the states. Does really matter though, it's great!  That's KellysWorld "Video of the Week - July 13th, 2009."