Video of the Week

Video of the Week: Funny Words

I think I've got a pretty good video of the week for you. With nearly 250,000 views on YouTube since April 21st (4 days) it's currently one of the hottest videos on YouTube; and for good reason. I've not seen her videos (spricket24) before, but I will have to check some of them out. Basically in this one she runs through lots of "funny" words. Not funny because of what they mean, but funny in how they sound. At one point, one of the words cracks her up as she is trying to say it.

Apparently this bit of comedy sprang from saying "gobsmacked" to someone and having that person laugh at her for using the word. Gobsmacked, if you didn't know, means utterly astonished; no I didn't know that until I looked it up!

Titus Has a Little Fun

I edited this video together yesterday from video I took while Brion, Rachel and Titus were here. The video quality isn't great, but then it was taken on an iPhone. We had a great time while my brother and his family were here. We didn't get to spend a great deal of time with them, busy lives and all; but we did get some quality time together. Titus was a joy and reminds me so much of Brion; looks like him too. I have a photo of Brion at that age and it's amazing how much they look alike.

Brion, hope your trip home was safe. Enjoy the video, and should YOU "upgrade" to an iPhone, be sure to send me lots of videos. We can add them to the family collection on KWTV.

I'm also making this my Video of the Week!

Video of the Week: 9/7 - Party In the USA

Okay, I know I'm going to take some heat for this Video of the Week. For a couple of weeks I've been hearing "Party in the USA" either on the radio or Kristie playing it on her iPod. It was catchy; but I didn't know who was singing (not unusual for me). I figured it was one of the many new artists hitting the scene. The proverbial "One Hit Wonder." Then I was cruising the old web and tripped over one the videos on YouTube. Low and behold I discovered it was Miley Cyrus, better known as Hanna Montana.

Video of the Week 8/31: Fake but Great - iPhone Ad

This morning I found this iPhone Ad "Leaked New iPhone Commercial" on YouTube. It's a little long for an iPhone commercial (more than a minute) but it's really well made. Here's the short description - iPhone Apps for the man who's girlfriend has broken up with him. Okay, now just hit play!

UPDATE: I've decided to make this one the Video of the Week for August 31st.