
Video of the Week 8/31: Fake but Great - iPhone Ad

This morning I found this iPhone Ad "Leaked New iPhone Commercial" on YouTube. It's a little long for an iPhone commercial (more than a minute) but it's really well made. Here's the short description - iPhone Apps for the man who's girlfriend has broken up with him. Okay, now just hit play!

UPDATE: I've decided to make this one the Video of the Week for August 31st.

Hello - Apple Teaser for the iPhone

I didn't partake in the Oscar festivities this year, although I'm sure my mom did, but I did hear a rumor that Apple would release their first commercial for the iPhone. This was one rumor that turned out to be 100% true! The commercial isn't really about anything and you only see the product for a brief moment at the end, but it is very creative and was specifically designed for Oscar night. Check it out and see how many faces you recognize. Which film won Best Picture anyway?

Great Video That Makes Fun of "I'm A Mac/I'm A PC"

This is just classic. Whether you are a die-hard Mac Head or a PC Fan Boy; you will love this video! I found it on a wonderful little Video Blog produced right here in Dallas, Texas. Every weekday they do a 3 to 5 minute technology news show. They are Mac users, but the show is about technology, any technology. It is done in a light hearted fashion and quite enjoyable. You can find their webpage at Their URL says it all.

Now sit back, relax and enjoy our feature presentation.... Gates Vs. Jobs.... with a special guest appearance by the Commodore 64. Now that brings back memories!