Video of the Week: 9/7 - Party In the USA

Okay, I know I'm going to take some heat for this Video of the Week. For a couple of weeks I've been hearing "Party in the USA" either on the radio or Kristie playing it on her iPod. It was catchy; but I didn't know who was singing (not unusual for me). I figured it was one of the many new artists hitting the scene. The proverbial "One Hit Wonder." Then I was cruising the old web and tripped over one the videos on YouTube. Low and behold I discovered it was Miley Cyrus, better known as Hanna Montana. If you don't know who Miley Cyrus is, well, you might well just be living under a rock. If you don't know who Hanna Montana is, then you have been living not on Mars; but Pluto. So get your happy rear end on a rocket ship and get back to Earth.

Anyway, not even my oldest daughter new it was Miley Cyrus at first; she was just as surprised as I was. It's not that Party in the USA isn't something I just couldn't imagine her singing, the style is just something new for her. It's bubble gum, no two ways about it. The only redeeming value of the song, it's FUN. I have to ask, what's wrong with that? I love "Surf'n In the USA" too, but it's far from a statement on the human condition. I'm also not giving up listing to Chick Corea or Nina Simone anytime soon.

Before you give me too much heat though, reviews from critics on the song are actually pretty good. Basically, they seem to be saying the same thing I am. The song is catchy and fun, even if it is lacking somewhat in substance.

The video below is from a Today Show performance from August 28th, 2009 on NBC (to give full credit). There is also a video from the Teen People's Choice Awards 2009; but the video is bad and well, her performance is a bit "controversial." As a Disney kid, she's going to have a rocky climb into the adult pop world. Check out YouTube for the video in question. It's perfectly safe, just a bit much for the pre-teens crowd that makes up the vast majority of her current demographic. It's not anywhere near the 1984 MTV Music Awards performance of "Like A Virgin" by Madonna.

If "Party in the USA" isn't your cup of tea, no problem. As much as it's being played on the radio (and in my house) I may demote it to "most hated video of the week" by October.