
Worn Out... And How...

Last week was one heck of a week. I can't go into any detail for all kinds of reasons, but needless to say I worked my behind off at work. Lots to do and lots to take care of each day. By the end of the week I was completely worn out and ready for the weekend. Come Friday night I just wanted to casually drive home and then crawl into bed. Which basically I did. On Saturday the wife and I had to get up early (not that we don't already) and be at the High School by 8:45. Our youngest daughter had registration.  Amazing how much bureaucracy a school organization can have put into place; it seems just to drive me crazy. After that the girls took off for a day on the town together as well as see a movie. I headed off to see a movie myself - Star Trek.

Yes, I had already seen it  two months ago, but it was such a great ride I thought seeing it again would be fun; and it was. How often can you see a movie twice and the second time is as much fun if not more so than the first time around? Not often.

That night I ended up staying up late, really late, working on KellysWorld. I ended up changing the look of the site again (the theme) to something less dark than before and I think easier to read. I'm happy with it for now.

On Sunday I putzed around for a while then help Tracy with the laundry. That afternoon I started working again, had lots of paperwork to do. I didn't finish what I was working on until that evening.

It was a long week, with a weekend that wasn't anywhere near long enough. I survived it though; just in time to do it all again... Well, at least I'm still young and energetic. Not like I'm nearing 40 or anything...

Heck Of A Week

This week was just way too long. Each day I left the house around 6:00 am and returned home around 9 p.m.. My team and I are working on a huge project that requires intensive manual data entry and review. Needless to say, it made for an extremely long week. An extremely exhausting week. Not a bad week necessarily, just a week I don't want to repeat week after week either.

Next week will probably be long as well, but i am not expecting it to be anywhere near as hectic. When there is a project that needs to be done, it needs to be done. I expect over the next 6 months or so to see more projects, but maybe not as stressful ones. At times it is exhausting, at times it is exciting; but luckily it is always interesting.

For now I am just enjoying a quiet weekend.

Working Weekend

This weekend Tracy and I both had a mountain of work to do. We both enjoy our jobs a great deal, but when you have to not only bring your work home during the week, but also on the weekend it does become a bit much. All things being equal though it could be a much tougher life for us both; and as I mentioned we do enjoy our jobs and know that if we don't do the things we have to do, others in our company will pay the price. For me, it's insuring that the company isn't spending more or doing less to keep everyone of our clients happy and content with our services. For Tracy, annual reviews of all her employees; some 170 of them.

While Tracy has had management roles in the past, this is the first time I have had a management role. While I only have a small team that reports directly to me, my team and myself are indirectly responsible for keeping an eye on our operations and our clients insuring that everyone is doing what they are tasked to do. At times it is a large and seemingly impossible task; but it is not. More importantly it has to be done. I still have a great deal to learn and have a lot of growing to do in my managerial role; but I do feel I am getting the hang of it, although maybe a little slower than I would like. I have a great team and work for a great company; and I have fun doing it. That's what really counts when all is said and done.

Working Weekend

This weekend Tracy and I both had a mountain of work to do. We both enjoy our jobs a great deal, but when you have to not only bring your work home during the week, but also on the weekend it does become a bit much. All things being equal though it could be a much tougher life for us both; and as I mentioned we do enjoy our jobs and know that if we don't do the things we have to do, others in our company will pay the price. For me, it's insuring that the company isn't spending more or doing less to keep everyone of our clients happy and content with our services. For Tracy, annual reviews of all her employees; some 170 of them.

While Tracy has had management roles in the past, this is the first time I have had a management role. While I only have a small team that reports directly to me, my team and myself are indirectly responsible for keeping an eye on our operations and our clients insuring that everyone is doing what they are tasked to do. At times it is a large and seemingly impossible task; but it is not. More importantly it has to be done. I still have a great deal to learn and have a lot of growing to do in my managerial role; but I do feel I am getting the hang of it, although maybe a little slower than I would like. I have a great team and work for a great company; and I have fun doing it. That's what really counts when all is said and done.

The New Job - Best of Both Worlds

Three weeks ago I started my new job at Precision Imaging Solutions and I have to say that I truly enjoy working there. While I am still learning about the company and I how fit into the mix, I believe that my experiences at both Fujitsu and HighPointe will lend themselves well to what I have to do for Precision. This job adds new complexities to my work life, like direct management of people and funds. Currently I have three folks that work for me and in a few months I will be tasked with putting together a budget. While these are complex tasks, I feel I am very much up to the task. Having people working for me directly, while new, isn't completely foreign and I handle most of the finances for our family. So I am ready, willing and able to take on the challenge.

As for the folks that I work with, they are all great. I've been enjoying getting to know each of them and look forward to a long working relationship. Like my job at HighPointe it seems to be in many instances a bit of a family; but it is a larger organization and growing. The corporate office though, the area I work in, is still relatively small. So working in the office isn't unlike the last three years at HighPointe. Sort of the best of both worlds.

Hello From the Crypt Keeper

Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another not so exciting report from KellysWorld. Today I am reporting from "in-the-field" at a local apartment community that I have been charged with holding down for the memorial weekend holiday. Basically it is like being in charge of a large Crypt. Like any crypt, you get the occassional visitor. Unlike a crypt though, these individuals don't come baring gifts, but instead enter only for the the free cookies and lemonade. As happy as they are for this free sustenance, they aren't much for conversation. So the day just drags, drags and drags on. Yesterday this went on for 7 hours, luckily today it only lasts 4 hours. As I am being paid to watch the crypt, I guess I should consider myself lucky. "Lucky," though, can be a relative concept.

All is all it isn't a bad gig. Nine bucks and hour to watch the crypt isn't bad and of couse it helps to pay the bills. Obviously though, it is about as boring as boring gets. If not for the computer I am writing this report from, I would be ready for a tea party at the bottom of the pool. It could always be worse. At least I am not working in the crypt after mid-night.

Just 90 more minutes before I am released from the crypt.

My First Sale!!!!

Well, as some of you may know I took on a part-time job last week and started Friday. I am working as a temporary for an agency that feels vacancies in staff at apartment "communities" (can't call them complexes). This weekend I worked at a beautiful creekside community in Richardson, not far from home. On my first day and my first walk-in... I got a sale!!! How terrific is that? Of course, as I am a temp, I don't see a commission. Oh well. I was exhausted by the end of the weekend after not working for nealry two months; but it was enjoyable and rather relaxing. Ask me in six months if I still feel the same.