Working Weekend

This weekend Tracy and I both had a mountain of work to do. We both enjoy our jobs a great deal, but when you have to not only bring your work home during the week, but also on the weekend it does become a bit much. All things being equal though it could be a much tougher life for us both; and as I mentioned we do enjoy our jobs and know that if we don't do the things we have to do, others in our company will pay the price. For me, it's insuring that the company isn't spending more or doing less to keep everyone of our clients happy and content with our services. For Tracy, annual reviews of all her employees; some 170 of them.

While Tracy has had management roles in the past, this is the first time I have had a management role. While I only have a small team that reports directly to me, my team and myself are indirectly responsible for keeping an eye on our operations and our clients insuring that everyone is doing what they are tasked to do. At times it is a large and seemingly impossible task; but it is not. More importantly it has to be done. I still have a great deal to learn and have a lot of growing to do in my managerial role; but I do feel I am getting the hang of it, although maybe a little slower than I would like. I have a great team and work for a great company; and I have fun doing it. That's what really counts when all is said and done.