
Fixed My Website Twitter Blues

It looks as though I have fixed the issues I was having on my website and posting automatically to Twitter that I've updated this website. I think I've also fixed the issue with the daily entry with all of my Tweets for that day. I had to uninstall all of the Twitter widgets for my website and then re-install the one I wanted. Even then it didn't work right away; but then mysteriously it did!!! I had problems like that, I may never know what was wrong. I will kick myself too if I find out it really isn't working. I love how works, and how easy it is to use... but when I have a problem it can be a bit of a pain to figure out what the heck went wrong.

Worn Out... And How...

Last week was one heck of a week. I can't go into any detail for all kinds of reasons, but needless to say I worked my behind off at work. Lots to do and lots to take care of each day. By the end of the week I was completely worn out and ready for the weekend. Come Friday night I just wanted to casually drive home and then crawl into bed. Which basically I did. On Saturday the wife and I had to get up early (not that we don't already) and be at the High School by 8:45. Our youngest daughter had registration.  Amazing how much bureaucracy a school organization can have put into place; it seems just to drive me crazy. After that the girls took off for a day on the town together as well as see a movie. I headed off to see a movie myself - Star Trek.

Yes, I had already seen it  two months ago, but it was such a great ride I thought seeing it again would be fun; and it was. How often can you see a movie twice and the second time is as much fun if not more so than the first time around? Not often.

That night I ended up staying up late, really late, working on KellysWorld. I ended up changing the look of the site again (the theme) to something less dark than before and I think easier to read. I'm happy with it for now.

On Sunday I putzed around for a while then help Tracy with the laundry. That afternoon I started working again, had lots of paperwork to do. I didn't finish what I was working on until that evening.

It was a long week, with a weekend that wasn't anywhere near long enough. I survived it though; just in time to do it all again... Well, at least I'm still young and energetic. Not like I'm nearing 40 or anything...