The New Job - Best of Both Worlds

Three weeks ago I started my new job at Precision Imaging Solutions and I have to say that I truly enjoy working there. While I am still learning about the company and I how fit into the mix, I believe that my experiences at both Fujitsu and HighPointe will lend themselves well to what I have to do for Precision. This job adds new complexities to my work life, like direct management of people and funds. Currently I have three folks that work for me and in a few months I will be tasked with putting together a budget. While these are complex tasks, I feel I am very much up to the task. Having people working for me directly, while new, isn't completely foreign and I handle most of the finances for our family. So I am ready, willing and able to take on the challenge.

As for the folks that I work with, they are all great. I've been enjoying getting to know each of them and look forward to a long working relationship. Like my job at HighPointe it seems to be in many instances a bit of a family; but it is a larger organization and growing. The corporate office though, the area I work in, is still relatively small. So working in the office isn't unlike the last three years at HighPointe. Sort of the best of both worlds.