
Kelly's Tweets for 2009-07-28

  • @Pogue slogan "you had me at hello ... 15 seconds ago" in reply to Pogue #
  • @jeffmccord You having any issues with YouTube. I find it painful in Safari and problematic in FireFox. Seems like bandwidth, but I have. #
  • Okay, i'm finding that YouTube and Safari don't mix currently. Loos like Safari takes too long to suck down the video so it stops & starts. #
  • I downloaded WebKit nightly, no real difference. I use FireFox and it works as expected. #
  • Okay, I guess I spoke too soon... Anyone else seeing these issues? On the web I see complaints going back 2 years, why am I only seeing now? #

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Kelly's Tweets for 2009-07-27

  • @Ihnatko Tried watching Abyss but on HD channel it was 4:3. My DVD if it on my PS3 is a small letterbox. I guess I have to buy the BlueRay. in reply to Ihnatko #
  • @mikekochansky what was your Mac doing that requires the new logic board. Mine doesn't always wake from sleep. I have to reboot. in reply to mikekochansky #
  • 20 gigs of data liberated from my MacBook Pro. Mostly TV and Movies. Some of it "liberated" with extreme prejudice the rest got a new home. #
  • Checking out #Pathfinder by @cocoatech. I've looked at it before; but looks like it deservers another closer inspection. #
  • RT Good counterpoint to AT&T hate from @musicjunkieg: (via @Scobleizer). I like this list of counterpoints, and agree. #
  • @geoffsmith Very cool... tonight we get Dr. Who then we only have to wait 5 more months for another episode. What happened to weekly TV? in reply to geoffsmith #
  • Time to go to the brand new Target in Wylie. Question: That this is exciting, does it mean I'm officially grown up, or am I just a bore? #
  • Reporting to you live from Target. Initial impressions are that it's like Target. Oh, and unlike Wal-Mart. #
  • Dr. Who - Planet of the Dead starts in 30 minutes on BBC America. My daughter and I just watched the Next Doctor, which I missed in Dec. #
  • RT @wilw - What. The. Hell. - that's wild. #

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Kelly's Tweets for 2009-07-26

  • @donmcallister 40% off eh? Been thinking of taking the Pathfinder plunge. It's impressive, do we know it works with Snow Leopard? in reply to donmcallister #
  • @wilw I hadn't seen @BrentSpiner tweets, but I just read through them. How could anyone take so seriously? Oh well, people assume the worst. in reply to wilw #
  • At the New Target in Wylie. It's sad but I'm excited. I mean the one in Garland was only 10 miles, this one is 3. #
  • RT @kiranmaxweber: Speechless. (via @donmcallister) WOW... Original, isn't it. #
  • At the theater with my oldest daughter to see Harry Potter 6. Excellent!!! Starts in 30. #
  • AudioBoo: Harry Potter 6 #
  • Half Blood Prince was fantastic. I'm told the ending is a little different but I think they did the story justice and it worked. Go see it! #
  • Another word for parent is Taxi. #
  • Working on my website some more... Find it strangely relaxing. #
  • RT @moxiemo MM92: Google Latitude on iPhone, YouTube Wedding Vid and Twitter Business 101! | Moxie Mo Show #
  • @jeffmccord Loved the wedding video. Making that my video of the week for this coming week on my website. Retweeted your link as well. in reply to jeffmccord #
  • Time for bed. Did a few posts to my site for tomorrow. In the morning it's off to our new Target Grand opening. Night night. #

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Kelly's Tweets for 2009-07-24

  • RT @TUAW "Apple Store is Down" Could this mean something new? #
  • @donmcallister Did Leo buy anything lately? in reply to donmcallister #
  • RT Final Cut Studio, Logic & Final Cut Server all get updates today (via @TUAW) BUT NO APERTURE 3.0? ARGH! #
  • Waiting for my daughter to get home. #
  • Testing, 1, 2, 3... #
  • The daughter is home now. We can now go to sleep. Been another long day. Not a very Twitter day though. Every day can't be I guess. #

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Kelly's Tweets for 2009-07-24

  • RT @TUAW "Apple Store is Down" Could this mean something new? #
  • @donmcallister Did Leo buy anything lately? in reply to donmcallister #
  • RT Final Cut Studio, Logic & Final Cut Server all get updates today (via @TUAW) BUT NO APERTURE 3.0? ARGH! #
  • Waiting for my daughter to get home. #
  • Testing, 1, 2, 3... #
  • The daughter is home now. We can now go to sleep. Been another long day. Not a very Twitter day though. Every day can't be I guess. #

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Kelly's Tweets for 2009-07-23

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Kelly's Tweets for 2009-07-22

  • @mikekochansky Twittelator Pro. Bear set of features. Also, for me, the fact it goes back hundreds of tweets. Others seem to max at 100/200 in reply to mikekochansky #
  • @pop17 welcome to our fair metroplex. You came when it is cool. Only the 90's. in reply to pop17 #
  • @donmcallister Whats the big deal about friendfeed, other than Scoble and Leo love it? in reply to donmcallister #
  • Just updated to WordPress 2.8.2 - click of a button easy... I'm mean really easy. #
  • @donmcallister doesn't sound like much fun. in reply to donmcallister #
  • RT Microsoft confirms there will be a Windows 7 Family Pack. (via @dsilverman) - Wish Apple had thought of that... #
  • @Pastor_Brion I would help drywall, paint and texture the garage, but I have to have my teeth varnished and my eyelids scraped. Sorry Bro! in reply to Pastor_Brion #
  • RT Office 2008 users upgrading to SP2 surprised that pirated keys no longer work. In other news, water reportedly still wet. (via @TUAW) #
  • Episode 2 of #Torchwood: Children of Earth starts RIGHT NOW! Turn to BBC America (HD if you have it) and enjoy the greatness! It's Day Two. #
  • RT - Twittelator Pro voted best iPhone client! ✔ RT @rstapper We won!!! (via @twittelator) - Not surprised. My favorite #
  • Just finished watching Episode Two of #Torchwood Children of Earth. Excellent. Not as good as night 1 but still excellent. #
  • Finally time to get some shuteye. I'm doing better at posting on my site, whether it's of any use or well written is yet to be determined. #

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