Kelly's Tweets for 2009-07-26

  • @donmcallister 40% off eh? Been thinking of taking the Pathfinder plunge. It's impressive, do we know it works with Snow Leopard? in reply to donmcallister #
  • @wilw I hadn't seen @BrentSpiner tweets, but I just read through them. How could anyone take so seriously? Oh well, people assume the worst. in reply to wilw #
  • At the New Target in Wylie. It's sad but I'm excited. I mean the one in Garland was only 10 miles, this one is 3. #
  • RT @kiranmaxweber: Speechless. (via @donmcallister) WOW... Original, isn't it. #
  • At the theater with my oldest daughter to see Harry Potter 6. Excellent!!! Starts in 30. #
  • AudioBoo: Harry Potter 6 #
  • Half Blood Prince was fantastic. I'm told the ending is a little different but I think they did the story justice and it worked. Go see it! #
  • Another word for parent is Taxi. #
  • Working on my website some more... Find it strangely relaxing. #
  • RT @moxiemo MM92: Google Latitude on iPhone, YouTube Wedding Vid and Twitter Business 101! | Moxie Mo Show #
  • @jeffmccord Loved the wedding video. Making that my video of the week for this coming week on my website. Retweeted your link as well. in reply to jeffmccord #
  • Time for bed. Did a few posts to my site for tomorrow. In the morning it's off to our new Target Grand opening. Night night. #

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