Kelly's Tweets for 2009-07-27

  • @Ihnatko Tried watching Abyss but on HD channel it was 4:3. My DVD if it on my PS3 is a small letterbox. I guess I have to buy the BlueRay. in reply to Ihnatko #
  • @mikekochansky what was your Mac doing that requires the new logic board. Mine doesn't always wake from sleep. I have to reboot. in reply to mikekochansky #
  • 20 gigs of data liberated from my MacBook Pro. Mostly TV and Movies. Some of it "liberated" with extreme prejudice the rest got a new home. #
  • Checking out #Pathfinder by @cocoatech. I've looked at it before; but looks like it deservers another closer inspection. #
  • RT Good counterpoint to AT&T hate from @musicjunkieg: (via @Scobleizer). I like this list of counterpoints, and agree. #
  • @geoffsmith Very cool... tonight we get Dr. Who then we only have to wait 5 more months for another episode. What happened to weekly TV? in reply to geoffsmith #
  • Time to go to the brand new Target in Wylie. Question: That this is exciting, does it mean I'm officially grown up, or am I just a bore? #
  • Reporting to you live from Target. Initial impressions are that it's like Target. Oh, and unlike Wal-Mart. #
  • Dr. Who - Planet of the Dead starts in 30 minutes on BBC America. My daughter and I just watched the Next Doctor, which I missed in Dec. #
  • RT @wilw - What. The. Hell. - that's wild. #

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