Kelly's Tweets for 2009-07-22

  • @mikekochansky Twittelator Pro. Bear set of features. Also, for me, the fact it goes back hundreds of tweets. Others seem to max at 100/200 in reply to mikekochansky #
  • @pop17 welcome to our fair metroplex. You came when it is cool. Only the 90's. in reply to pop17 #
  • @donmcallister Whats the big deal about friendfeed, other than Scoble and Leo love it? in reply to donmcallister #
  • Just updated to WordPress 2.8.2 - click of a button easy... I'm mean really easy. #
  • @donmcallister doesn't sound like much fun. in reply to donmcallister #
  • RT Microsoft confirms there will be a Windows 7 Family Pack. (via @dsilverman) - Wish Apple had thought of that... #
  • @Pastor_Brion I would help drywall, paint and texture the garage, but I have to have my teeth varnished and my eyelids scraped. Sorry Bro! in reply to Pastor_Brion #
  • RT Office 2008 users upgrading to SP2 surprised that pirated keys no longer work. In other news, water reportedly still wet. (via @TUAW) #
  • Episode 2 of #Torchwood: Children of Earth starts RIGHT NOW! Turn to BBC America (HD if you have it) and enjoy the greatness! It's Day Two. #
  • RT - Twittelator Pro voted best iPhone client! ✔ RT @rstapper We won!!! (via @twittelator) - Not surprised. My favorite #
  • Just finished watching Episode Two of #Torchwood Children of Earth. Excellent. Not as good as night 1 but still excellent. #
  • Finally time to get some shuteye. I'm doing better at posting on my site, whether it's of any use or well written is yet to be determined. #

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