
My Online Tools - Websites Are Easy

WordPress 3If you are curious as to how I keep up my online presence, then check out this page on my site: My Blogging Tools. I quickly explain my methodology and then list out all of my hardware, websites and software that I use to update not only this site but all of my social networking accounts. It's really easy to create your own website. You can use tools like WordPress or SquareSpace that are totally web based; or you can use tools like Rapidweaver for the Mac that allow you to edit your website locally on your Mac and then upload to your personal domain. You don't even have to have a personal domain. You can use tools like or and have a totally free and very personal web presence that's easy to maintain.

You don't need powerful hardware. You can use your personal computer (Mac or PC). You can use your smartphone (Android or iOS). My preference is for Apple products, but you don't have to go down that road. Getting started is very easy and really quick. All you need is a little imagination and a bit of desire. In less than 30 minutes you too could have your very own website!

If you have any questions, please drop me a line. I would be happy to give you some pointers.

Blast From the Past - Karaoke Kelly

Kelly Attempting KaraokeIn a time before I married, before I had kids and grand kids, I was a less than happening single guy. That being said I wasn't a complete dullard and did know how to have a little fun, with the help of friends. Two of those friends were neighbors. Jim, Jennifer and their two kids lived across the street. We were the perfect neighbor friends. We kept an eye on each other's houses, watched each other's pets and invited each other to celebrations. One such occasion was Jim's birthday in 2004.

They had the gang over for fun, food, booze and karaoke! I really didn't want to join in the singing, but after much pressure and so many failed attempts at carrying a tune I decided that I couldn't possibly be any worse than the rest. To sweeten the deal they said it could be a duet.

I sang with one of Jim's friends. Don't recall his name. I also don't recall what we sang. I do remember we did two numbers together and had a blast. He could carry a tune better than I, which is to say the pets it the household weren't running for cover.

Once we were done, I put the weapon down (the mike) and let others attempt to do a better job. I much preferred providing tech support to the Karaoke machine than to using it; but it was all in good fun.

2004 seems like such a long time ago. Little did I know that just a few months after this picture was taken I would meet and eventually marry my wife. Beginning a new life and a new duet, a proper duet with someone who can actually carry a tune that doesn't scare the pets of the house.

Earthquake In Oklahoma

All I can say is wow!!! A 5.6 earthquake in Oklahoma. The epicenter was in Sparks, Oklahoma; but it was felt all over the state including Tulsa. From what the news is saying the effects were felt all the way into Missouri and Texas. Earthquakes are not new to Oklahoma or the Midwest but earthquakes of this magnitude are rare. So rare in fact that this earthquake set a record for BIGGEST in Oklahoma's recorded history.

This wasn't even the 1st big one this weekend, just the biggest. Probably not the last for a few days too. I first saw the news of the quakes yesterday morning and then this morning was greeted by many Facebook posts from friends in Tulsa and Broken Arrow.

Doesn't appear any lives were lost, but there were a few reported injuries. The news showed some home damage in Broken Arrow. Bricks that fell off homes and driveways with huge cracks. News also reported that some highways buckled from the earthquake. They'll probably be finding damage for weeks.

As far as I can tell everyone I know is safe with little to no damage. Most importantly my dad and his wife are okay.

Here's hoping that no one was killed or permanently injured and that any further quakes are the more typical micro quakes that Oklahoma has endured for generations.


Anniversary Dinner - Mmm

Last night Tracy and I decided to celebrate our anniversary a little early. It was just the two of us as our daughter was spending the night at grandma's house. The perfect time to enjoy a romantic dinner for two; but where to go? We didn't want to go to any of our usual haunts as they are all casual dining. The two of us were thinking steak. As unchallenging as that might sound in Texas, this side of the Dallas metroplex isn't teaming with chop houses of any great quality. Outback Steak House is nice, but not exactly "fine dining."

We decided on Silver Fox. We've been there once before a few years ago and really enjoyed it so we decided to try them again. Turned out to be a seriously great idea! The food was great and the service excellent. As a classy touch each staff member we interacted with offered us congratulations on 5 years of marriage.

We started off with drinks, Tracy a cocktail and for me a fine California chardonnay. For an appetizer we had calamari. Not stringy, over cooked and over breaded calamari; but thick, perfectly cooked and breaded calamari.

For our main course we both opted for steak, what else would we have? Tracy ordered a 6oz filet with a blue cheese finish (blue cheese, caramelized onions and garlic) that I had the option of getting and didn't. I so regretted that decision the moment Tracy offered me a small taste. I opted for one of the specials, a 12oz dry-aged New York strip. That steak nearly melted in my mouth. Juicy on the inside and fantastically seared on the outside. As a side we ordered some Maker's Mark® Mushrooms. Those too were heavenly.

How do you end such a glorious meal, with desert! Yes, I didn't finish my dinner so that I could partake in a devilishly delicious creme brûlée. Unfortunately they don't serve cappuccino, just standard coffee (the only blackeye of the night). Tracy was able to order a fresh fruit bowl of the same berries that covered my creme brûlée.

It was, to put it simply, a glorious meal! Both Tracy and I had a great time and a lovely anniversary dinner. Five years this week!

Tracy I love you very much. It's been a wonderful 5 years, the best 5 years of my life!!

My Wife has Returned

Tracy has been on a business trip to Vegas for the past several days. She finally returned late last night. I'm not always the best at showing my emotions, but I did miss her very much. Sleeping at night was difficult and waking up each morning was hard. Last night I slept like a baby and didn't even get up until 8:30. I slept so well that I missed our weather alarm going off THREE TIMES! My mom always did say I could sleep through a war. She is back now and we even get a little bit of the weekend t spend together. I'm sure we will need to go shopping and run a few errands. I promise, I won't even roll my eyes. Well, I promise to not roll both my eyes.

Honey, I'm glad you are home. I missed you very much! - Your Loving Husband.

Helping a Friend - Feels Good

Today I had a long conversation with a friend of mine about podcasting, websites and just trying to keep a schedule. I know I'm probably not the best at implementation - see The Apple Professor website for proof; but I do pay a great deal of attention to the world of technology and podcasting. Basically I acted as a springboard for ideas. We brainstormed together and helped him to get see the groove. You can't get "into the groove" unless you know where that groove happens to lie. You don't want to get into the "groove" unless you know where it is going. He has some great ideas of his own and a pretty good voice for podcasting, unlike yours truly. He's also succeeded where I failed. Yet, being the guy that folks talk with to help them get their own juices going is par for the course for me; and I enjoy being that person. I am a "know-it-all" after all and us "know-it-alls" do need to impart our great and powerful knowledge to anyone that dares to sit still and listen. We aren't above handcuffing someone to a radiator to keep them still.

I'm hoping my poking and thoughts will be of help for my friend as he ventures back into the cold hard world of podcasting. I may be taking a more personal role as well. I'm happy to do so if he feels I will be of assistance. I enjoy my day job, but everyone needs a good hobby and good distractions.

I just feels good helping a friend, and making new friends. i"m not the most social of creatures, as anyone that knows me will attest to, but I do like to hear myself talk. I really don't even need someone handcuffed to a radiator, I will talk without them. Yes, I know my own foibles.

In the coming days and weeks we will see if my advice was helpful, if my suggestions of use. If not, then no harm no foul; if they were then I can rest easy in knowing that I was able to aid a friend in figuring a few things out successfully.