
My Online Tools - Websites Are Easy

WordPress 3If you are curious as to how I keep up my online presence, then check out this page on my site: My Blogging Tools. I quickly explain my methodology and then list out all of my hardware, websites and software that I use to update not only this site but all of my social networking accounts. It's really easy to create your own website. You can use tools like WordPress or SquareSpace that are totally web based; or you can use tools like Rapidweaver for the Mac that allow you to edit your website locally on your Mac and then upload to your personal domain. You don't even have to have a personal domain. You can use tools like WordPress.com or Blogger.com and have a totally free and very personal web presence that's easy to maintain.

You don't need powerful hardware. You can use your personal computer (Mac or PC). You can use your smartphone (Android or iOS). My preference is for Apple products, but you don't have to go down that road. Getting started is very easy and really quick. All you need is a little imagination and a bit of desire. In less than 30 minutes you too could have your very own website!

If you have any questions, please drop me a line. I would be happy to give you some pointers.

Google+ to WordPress

Found a WordPress Plugin that allows for the importing of your Google+ posts into your WordPress feed. Not sure how well it works, but will find out. Google+ Importer for WordPress » Sutherland Boswell

Google+ Importer for WordPress. Google+ Importer is the best way to import your Google+ activity into your WordPress site. The plugin fetches new activity hourly and imports them as regular posts. You...

I Love Stats

KellysWorld Stats ChartI've had a website now for almost a decade. I started back in 2002 so my family could share the building of my first house. I continued through my first downsizing (may their never be a second) and of course all the way through my wedding and beyond till today. I even created a seperate site for my wedding, eternalmagic.com. I love writing and just playing with kellysworld; continually striving to make the site look as polished as possible.

The one nagging question, "is anyone reading?" Thanks to services like Facebook and Twitter the answer is "YES!" Not a lot of people mind you, but more than just me and dear old mom. Mom, you are reading aren't you? The attached graph shows views are up. Nothing major of course, but it's cool to see it going up a little and being steady.

I think, in the end, I enjoy tweaking my website as much as I enjoy writing. That could be my downfall. For me though it's just about relaxing and having fun.

Fixed My Website Twitter Blues

It looks as though I have fixed the issues I was having on my website and posting automatically to Twitter that I've updated this website. I think I've also fixed the issue with the daily entry with all of my Tweets for that day. I had to uninstall all of the Twitter widgets for my website and then re-install the one I wanted. Even then it didn't work right away; but then mysteriously it did!!! I had problems like that, I may never know what was wrong. I will kick myself too if I find out it really isn't working. I love how works, and how easy it is to use... but when I have a problem it can be a bit of a pain to figure out what the heck went wrong.

Testing New Mobile Blogging Tool

I'm just trying out Blogpress for iPhone to see how well it works for mobile blogging. I've been using the Wordpress app, but it's features are a little limited and it doesn't see much in the way of updates. While it is free, Blogpress actually cost me $2.99. That won't break the bank, but then i couldn't testdrive it either.Below is a photo and video of my newest nephew. Just testing how well media is added a post.

YouTube Video

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Da Vinci Ln,Wylie,United States