Social Networking

If you've been following my website for a while, you know that near the end of last year I added a Twitter box to the navigation side of my website. Since getting my iPhone I've begun Twittering and following Twittering more closely. I don't have a wide network of friends, mostly it is folks that are into technology (mostly Macs) and whose opinions I care about. I've met, virtually of course, a few others that I follow. I have to say that Twittering is fun and during the day makes me feel a little more connected to the world at large. It's strange how a service that allows folks to connect virtually with no human contact, makes me feel more connected.

After getting more involved in Twitter, I heard folks talking about Facebook. So I decided to see what all the fuss was about. I created a Facebook account a last week and it's pretty interesting. I even found an old friend from college. i found another, but he hasn't yet responded. I even found my daughter on Facebook; but she hasn't responded either. Hmmm, could it be a pattern?

Anyway below are the links to my Twitter page and my Facebook page. Check them out and Join the Digital Social Revolution!
