Weather:: Spring, Winter, Spring, Winter -- I'm Getting Dizzy

Dallas for the last week has felt more like mid to late Spring than Winter.... until this past week. Watching the latest weather update it seems that yet again the yo-yo moves and we are looking at tempatures in the low 30's. Considering we have been as high as 80 already and have been seeing an average daily temperature in the 70's the 30's will be a bit of a let down. Not the first time this year we did this a few weeks ago. Beautiful spring time weather and then boom winter reared it's chilling head. Because of this yo-yo weather I have gone from heater, to open windows, to air conditioning to heater to air conditioning to open window..... I'm getting dizzy. One night I was sitting on my new patio at 10:30 enjoying near perfect weather and the next night trying to grill dinner with a not-so-cozy winter wind tearing through my shirt. Is it too much to ask mother nature to follow a more precise schedule? On a possitive note... maybe the cold weather will kill the weeds. I won't be so lucky.