
Little Wet This Morning

As you can see we received a little rain this morning. Sprinkled on us several times yesterday too. I'm told pretty normal and why there is so much "green" in Honolulu. I'm also told the rain comes quickly and leaves quickly. Weather report indicates we will see rain every two hours or so, but only sprinkles. I'm hoping the "haze" will burn off. It's not even 7am yet.



Allergies In Full Swing

For the first time in my life I'm suffering an allergy attack at the end of summer. I've suffered many in the spring and more than a few in early summer; but the end of summer is a new one. Actually I haven't had an allergy attack in two years. So color me surprised when I was hit hard with one today.I'm guessing the pollen count was silly high today. It was windy which never helps. I've been home for a few hours and I still feel like crap. My jaw actually aches from sneezing. Not that most would care, but if you suffer allergy attacks then you know what I mean and how uncomfortable they make you. With any luck tomorrow won't be as bad, but I'm afraid my luck ran out today. Two yeas allergy free sure was nice. I guess the happiness is over. Time to start accepting and deal with sniffling. UPDATE: Turns out it may not be allergies. I'm thinking flu or a really bad cold. That's the worst combo of good news / bad news I've had in a long time.

Winter Weather Hits Dallas - HARD

Winter 09 Dallas Accident

Weather hit Dallas hard last night, bringing the entire metroplex to a halt. Weather was so bad that many residents didn’t bother to even try and get on the roads. Those that did found travel to be extremely treacherous. Highways were rivers of ice, even after the roads were treated. Most drove carefully, but even the safest of drivers ran into problems. The photo attached could be one of the safe drivers, or one of the reckless; but never-the-less they found their SUV on top of the barrier. How that happened, is just beyond me. It is only one of many weird accidents due to the ice.