Update From Lady Washington -- The Sailing Ship My Brother Is Serving On

For Regular Updates on the Journey's of Lady Washington and Her Crew Go HERE

22 March 2003

Position as of 0910 12deg. 05.6' N 68deg. 07.8' W

8nm E of Bonaire
DMG from St. Vincent 410nm
Speed past 27hrs 6.1kts
DMG past 27hrs 166nm
Fuel consumed past 24hrs 55gal
Fuel use rate past 24hrs 2.24gph
Total fuel consumed 200gal

Wind - 5-8kts E
Sky - Mostly clear with light scattering of Cumulus clouds
Temp - ~78deg. F
Seas - 1-2' E

We are going to make a short stop in Bonaire today as we were not able to find any fresh fruits before we left St. Vincent. Also, this morning the coffee maker decided to quit functioning. It has been rebuilt 4 times during our transit down here and it looks like it may not survive again.

We have been helped along with the current we fought going East. Yesterday we shut the main engine down to check fluids and were able to maintain 5kts for the next 4hrs. The wind slacked mid day so when we dropped below 5kts we re-fired the main. At 1000rpm we were able to make 7kts motor sailing.

With the winds and current, as they are now, our trip into Cristobal may pleasantly short. Projected arrival date and time will come in the next day or so when we see how the wind and current look after we turn the corner North of Columbia.


Capt. Mark Griffin