Interview Done.... Now the Waiting...

I spent about two days in Hampton and a day traveling and I have to say it exhausted me. I was there for two reasons. One was to meet the major players who were attending a day of training and the other was to meet with the partners to discuss if I was a good fit for them and their newest program, wireless. Both the training and the meetings went well. They seem very interested in me and I am interested in them. They are an amazing team of individuals, all very smart and very good at what they do; whether it be sales, bill analyzing, program or management. I would also say they are very colorful and leave it at that.
The only thing left for me to do now that I am back in Dallas is to wait. Negotiations began in Hampton and still continue. There are a few issues for them and I still to agree to, but I believe the negotations will go well. We agreed that I can work from Dallas, most likely from my home and the basics of what I would be doing for them.
Basically, my job would be to take over all wireless business for them. Working with their clients and their various vendors to reduce the clients spending on wireless, thereby generating increased revenue for them; basically what I did on a smaller scale for Fujitsu for several years and to great sucess.
I should know in a few days if I have the job or not... until then I just have to wait.