Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock

So far no word... although I have it on good authority that I am to get a phone call or e-mail very soon. I can only assume that such a delay is a good thing and not a bad one. Bad news travels fast, good news creates new logistical issues that most like to work out before moving forward.
In other news I seem to have been the object of a teenage practical joke. I went out this morning to put my 100 foot of hose into a hose roller I purchased a few days ago. I had the hose hooked up to the spicket to water the law yesterday. I connected the host yesterday with no problems, tight and secure. When I went out this morning to unhook the hose, it wouldn't budge. At first I thought I had just done a bang up job of connecting it yesterday; but then I realized it wasn't going to come un-done and that made no sense. After working for a while, and the help of a neighbors pipe wrench I was able to disconnect part of the anti-freeze attachment to the spicket. With that attachment partially disconnected the hose was "free" and I was able to go up to Ace Hardware. There we performed radically surgery, amputating the end of the hose and affixing a new connector. I also purchased a new anti-freeze attachment. To add insult to injury and $20 worth of parts... I can't get what is left of the old anti-freeze attachment off so I can put the new one on the spicket.
Other than that, my day was just cheecky!