Interview In Virginia

Tomorrow morning at 8:05 I take off with Justin for Virginia, via Philidelphia. Should be a jamed packed few days for me. Apparently they are having a get together of their lead sales people and other key members of management. I will be attending many of the meetings to give me a bird's eye view of what theey are all about. I will also be meeting for extended periods with the COO and others while I am there. Should be a very "personal" experience allowing me a chance to get to know them and conversly a chance for their entire team to get to know me. Part of our discussions will be on what they are looking to do and if I feel I will be a good fit for that possition. Obviously tomorrow night I will start to get a better idea and on Thursday I will get a great deal of information, if not information overload.
If I can post while I am there, I will do so. Otherwise I will post when I get back to Wylie.