Xbox 360

E3 Halo 4 Trailer

Halo 4 LogoTo my XBox 360 owning friends (Jeremy, I'm looking at you kid) it's time to start gloating again. Halo 4 is inbound. Granted you won't have it until Christmas 2012, but it will be a cold day in hell before PS3 owners can play Halo 1, 2, 3 or 4. So enjoy the bragging rights; I'm sure you won't be afraid to remind all of us PS3 owners that we are just SOL. If you haven't already seen the trailer shown at E3, I've embedded it below. I will worn you now - IT'S SHORT!

Not surprisingly it's one of the most watched videos of the past week with 2.7 million views. I remember when a few million views was amazing number of views for the lifetime of a video, much less a week.


Moxie Mo Show: E3 2011 Announcements

Sony Press Conference E3 2011Today over on the Moxie Mo Show blog I've got the story on what Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony all announced at E3 this year. It's all pretty exciting if you enjoy gaming. Nintendo is the first to announce a new home console, Sony is releasing a new mobile gaming device and Microsoft is updating XBox Live. Check out the Moxie Mo Show for more details.

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