Upgraded My PS3

Today I finally upgraded my Sony PS 3. I've been meaning to do it for months, but just hadn't. Sony's free welcome back ends this weekend and I didn't have enough room to install any new downloaded games. My PS 3 only had a 40 gig drive. Way too small! Earlier this year I upgraded my notebook to a 1 Tara byte drive from my previous upgrade of 500 gb drive. That left me with a very fast notebook drive with no home. Since the PS 3 uses the same type of drive it was an easy decision. Just had to make the time.

The process was easy. I backed up my existing drive in about an hour, popped out that drive and replaced with my old notebook drive. A quick format and it was ready for a restore. That took another hour and I was done.

Now I have a 7200 rpm 500gb hard drive in my PS 3. They should last me a nice long time. I've even downloaded my two free games. Not a bad upgrade FOR FREE!

Time to play a little WipeOut HD or Infamous; or maybe just Black Ops.


Moxie Mo Show: E3 2011 Announcements

Sony Press Conference E3 2011Today over on the Moxie Mo Show blog I've got the story on what Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony all announced at E3 this year. It's all pretty exciting if you enjoy gaming. Nintendo is the first to announce a new home console, Sony is releasing a new mobile gaming device and Microsoft is updating XBox Live. Check out the Moxie Mo Show for more details.

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Moxie Mo - 3D Gaming Without Split Screen

PS3 TVI enjoy gaming and have played a few 3D games, and I have to say it's pretty cool. What I really like to do though is play with a friend or my daughter. The problem though, even on my 55" TV is that I only get 50% of the screen. It's strange to see just half the screen and I'm distracted by the other half. This new TV from Sony solves that problem. Take a look at the article and let me know what you think over on the Moxie Mo Show Blog.

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