
Little Wet This Morning

As you can see we received a little rain this morning. Sprinkled on us several times yesterday too. I'm told pretty normal and why there is so much "green" in Honolulu. I'm also told the rain comes quickly and leaves quickly. Weather report indicates we will see rain every two hours or so, but only sprinkles. I'm hoping the "haze" will burn off. It's not even 7am yet.



Sleeping Is Hard To Do

Woke up this morning feeling refreshed and ready to go. Cars were moving outside, we left the door to the balcony open, and it sounded as if the day was starting. Looked at the clock, 2am!!! The day was ending and my internal clock was refusing to reset! Forced myself to stay in bed and get more sleep. Rose from bed at 5am. Just couldn't lie there anymore, besides Tracy was getting up. This 5 hr difference is killing me.

Well, might as well start the day. It's just now 6 am. Maybe Tracy and I will check out the beach before it wakes up!

Incredible Dinner at Roy's

For a special dinner to celebrate Tracy's recent birthday I took her to Roy's, which I've been told is one of the best places in Hawaii to eat and highly rated on Zagat. Operated by Roy Yamaguchi inventor of Asian Fusion cuisine. I have to say they live up to the hype unlike so many other restaurants.

Tracy had a special appetizer sampler for her meal, more than enough food for her, and I had one of the pre-set three course meals with wine pairings. All three courses were incredible. The meal started with an appetizer of a spare rib, a spring roll and ahi tuna paired with a very dry sparking white wine. Next was the main course which consisted of white fish crusted with macadamia nuts with a lobster sauce on a bed of asperegus. That course was paired with a refreshing California chardonnay. The last course was of course desert. A very delectable chocolate soufflé with vanilla ice cream. This final course was paired with a zinfandel. I'm a sucker for chocolate deserts, especially those with a hot molten chocolate center and this one didn't disappoint. Every course was truly memorable.

Tracy loved her meal as well, especially the tuna roll and the crab cakes. She was on the fence regarding which was better, but finally decided on the tuna roll. She let me taste both and it had to be a tough call. I agree though, the tuna roll was amazing.



Friday Night Fireworks at The Hilton

WOW! That's the first thing that came to mind last night. I've seen lots of fireworks shows before and this one wasn't better, but wasn't worse either. Then to think that it's presented by the hotel as a weekly event and we find ourselves at WOW!!!!

The show lasts several minutes with lots of color and of course explosions. The fire them off right from the beach so it's impossible to have a bad seat. It's a popular show too. The beach was extremely crowded and when I turned around after the show i realized the entire area was packed behind us too.

If you are in Honolulu on a Friday night you have to check it out. Its on the hotel property but it's open to the public. Plenty of bars and restaurants too, make an evening of it.

Only in Standard Definition for now, no access to WiFi.

Delays, Delays

Our flight was to leave at 1:00 pm today, but it seems mother nature had other plans. At first it was just a 45 minute delay, but now we are up to nearly two hours. The good news is the plane is here and the FAA is given it a good going over. Apparently a surprise inspection. Works for me!!The delays are annoying as it means we won't get to Hawaii until 6:00 pm local, 11 pm central on top of an 8 hour flight. If anything I'm a bit restless. Just ready to be in Hawaii. Not stressing, not a bit. We don't have a connecting flight and no plans for this evening. Does look like we will have a late dinner though. Ah! The sound of the announcement "we are ready to begin boarding" just sounded across the void. Next stop is Hawaii!

The Bags Are Packed!

The bags are packed and we are ready to go. Both Tracy and I are very excited about this trip. Tracy is looking forward to her first major event as president of the Dallas ALA chapter and I'm looking forward to my first trip to Hawaii. It's going to be a lot of fun I'm sure.

I've already made reservations to see the Arizona memorial on Monday along with the Missouri and all the other exhibits in Pearl Harbor. I also plan to see the Dole plantation as well as all the gorgeous sites Honolulu has to offer. I even picked up some contacts so I can go snorkeling unencumbered by my bad eye site. Glasses and snorkeling don't mix too well.

Both Tracy and I have loaded our iPads with entertainment of all sorts. I'm also taking along an old iPod so Incan take all my music and save a little battery life on my iPhone and iPad. I have it, might as well use it! The flight is long, over 8 hours. Tomorrow will be a very long day. Even so, due to the time difference, we will arrive just 3 hours or so after we leave. So the long day, will be even longer. I love flying though, so I'm sure I will enjoy the adventure.

Tomorrow I'm sure a flood of photos will hit my site allowing friends and Family to virtually join us on the adventure. Wish my daughter could come with us, but school is still in session and there is nothing more important than my daughter's education. Never-the-less I will miss her dearly. Will she miss me??

Time to get ready for bed. Today was a long last day at work, and tomorrow is a long first day of vacation.