
Shopping Time!

It's that time of the week again, shopping day. I even volunteered to come along this time. Apparently I had a momentary pang of guilt because I don't always tag along. I think we are only doing Target, so not too bad. I know I'm horrible, but I've never enjoyed grocery shopping. I know it must be done, but it's not a thrill for me, just a chore.

I do though enjoy being with Tracy, no matter what the task. So that makes the adventure one I do like.


Racing at Target?

Racing at Target

Apparently yesterday there was more fun going on in Target than I had suspected. Not only were the ladies doing some “secret shopping” but they were also holding miniture trycle races. Unfortunetly for Courtney, Kristie seems to have been just a little faster on three wheels. I’m sure Courtney would just say she was destracted by all the pictures.

Go Kristie!!!

What I want to know is how they didn’t get kicked out of Target!?!

More Photos In the Gallery.

Home Depot Family Fun


Today the whole family made a fun filled adventure up to Home Depot here in Wylie. It was some amazing and wild fun. Okay, I may be getting a bit sarcastic, just a bit.

After the ladies all returned from a morning of pedicures and maincures they asked me if I wanted to go with them to Home Depot. The girls wanted to start the process of picking out paint colors for their repsective rooms. I eagerly said yes and bounced out the door with them. (Okay, so that too might be a “bit” of exageration.) Anyway, the four of us headed off to the land of lumber, lights and lawn mowers.

I’m happy to recount that while the girls did find the paint they liked, and the ceiling fans, and the light fixtures and the carpeting; we did leave emptied handed. While we did leave with no items in our bags, we did leave learning one thing about Kristie; she isn’t as shy as one might think.

While we were sitting enjoying what I suspect may be our future out door furniture, it was added to the mental lists, Kristie began saying hello to just about every person walking by. She was quite openly friendly. Courtney couldn’t dig herself deeper into her chair, not that she too isn’t one of the more friendly people on the planet.

It was actually all great fun and was followed up with a trip to Target and then to Best Buy; an afternoon filled of browsing and apparently a bit of shopping. Not sure what they all got, apparently it was top secret. Hmmmmm.....

Unlucky Tale of Woe - Camera Buyers Beware

If you ever consider buying a camera on-line think twice about those low prices you see from New York area camera stores. There are several very good dealers in New York, but there are many more stores that play a game with their customers, a very serious game that can turn ugly. The item I linked to here is one such story.

What you nave to look out for is that when the price is lower than retail (MSRP) then bells should immediately go off. Camera companies set their pricing and stores really can't budge on that pricing much and they can't advertise at lower than retail. If prices go down they are price protected and everyone can lower their prices. That's for Authorized Dealers. Most of these low price stores are not Authorized and for that matter are selling "grey" market equipment. That is equipment that was purchased over-seas, most likely legally, and then is sold here in the states. The warranty is worthless on these items. They will also pressure you to buy bags, tripods, tape and other equipment.

Now, I did buy my video camera this way and saved money. I also bought some accessories from the store that I new I would buy anyway. My experience was good, but I went through it with some concern. I was treated well though and got my product on-time with everything I asked for and it was the US model. I can't say I was lucky, but plenty of folks were unlucky.

The quote below is just a snippet of this poor lads "unlucky" tale of woe...

"I will make sure you will never be able to place an order on the internet again." "I'm an attorney, I will sue you." "I'm going to call your local police and have two officers come over and arrest you." Just a few of the fun things I got to hear today from someone who said his name was Steve Phillips over at PriceRitePhoto.

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GREAT DEAL: Lexar JumpDrive 1GB $39

This is just a great deal. For only $39 you can get a USB drive (typically called a "Thumb Drive") with 1 gigabyte of storage. The average CD holds 640 megs, and while DVD drives store just over 4 gigs, they take a long time to write to. A USB drive is nearly instantaneous. The prices on these types of drives is just dropping like a rock and are a fantastic way to move data. The best deals for these are still on-line, but you can get some good prices at the brick & mortar stores as well. Just make sure it is USB 2.0, the 1.1 units are cheaper, but also much slower.

Store, transfer and carry your data with you wherever you go! JumpDrive Secure is your answer for dependable and reliable storage of all types of files. With JumpDrive Secure security software, your confidential data will remain password protected and encrypted, even if someone else tries to use your JumpDrive.

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