
GREAT DEAL: Lexar JumpDrive 1GB $39

This is just a great deal. For only $39 you can get a USB drive (typically called a "Thumb Drive") with 1 gigabyte of storage. The average CD holds 640 megs, and while DVD drives store just over 4 gigs, they take a long time to write to. A USB drive is nearly instantaneous. The prices on these types of drives is just dropping like a rock and are a fantastic way to move data. The best deals for these are still on-line, but you can get some good prices at the brick & mortar stores as well. Just make sure it is USB 2.0, the 1.1 units are cheaper, but also much slower.

Store, transfer and carry your data with you wherever you go! JumpDrive Secure is your answer for dependable and reliable storage of all types of files. With JumpDrive Secure security software, your confidential data will remain password protected and encrypted, even if someone else tries to use your JumpDrive.

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