
Friday Night Lights - Wylie

As I write this I'm at Wylie High for the Wylie Pirates vs Plano Wild Cats varsity football game. It's Friday Night Lights and Wylie Homecoming to boot. The stadium is nearly sold out and I'm told by one of the principles that the pre-sales for this game are the BEST EVER! Yes, Texas loves football and Wylie isn't any different. There's plenty of great action on the field, even if Wylie is behind by nearly 20 points; but there's plenty of action in the stadium as well.

While I've been watching the Wylie Pirates give it their all, I've been watching the youth of Wylie in the stadium. Um, it goes down hill from here.

To say the kids are less than well behaved would be quite the understatement. They aren't being bad, but they aren't being good either. You see I'm standing next to someones "genius" idea of having a "Students Only" section. It's mainly for non-highschool students. They are young and act it. No parents watching them, just two cops and a few assistant princaples whom I have nothing but new found respect for tonight.

You have the kids running around like a bat out of hell. You have the young girls dressed like they are going out for a night on the town sporting their mid-drift revealing shirts and low rider jeans. You have the young teenage boys trying to show how cool they can be and failing miserably. Finally you have lots of kids paying no attention to anyone least of all the adults in charge.

I'm not a big fan of football or football players, but the football players are far more well behaved than many of these kids that parents just dropped off for cheap babysitting.

I'm a parent, and it makes me wonder -what did my kids do at football games when i wasn't there? Wait, I don't want to know.

Meet the Pirates 2009

Color Guard of That Wylie Band Last night the wife and I headed over to Wylie High School for Meet the Pirates 2009. This is an annual event where all the parents of students involved in sports and band are invited to see the new teams and before they are presented to the school as a whole.

One of our daughters is in Color Guard, which is part of "That Wylie Band,"so we were invited to come. The entire band was there to show what they have been working on for the past month. They did a wonderful job and we could tell they have all been working very hard. Made all that much more impressive when you realize how extremely hot it has been this summer. While I a may be a little biased, it was really their night.

Of course the sports teams were there: football, tennis, golf and volleyball. The sports medicine group was there as well. The drill team and the cheerleaders were also there to show their support and be introduced. While the crowd went crazy when the football team was introduced, I'm sure it is nothing as crazy as it will be this coming Friday when they play their first home game.

Tracy and I had a good time and I'm sure we will be spending a great deal of time at Wylie's Pirate Stadium in the months to come.

Photos of the event can be found in my gallery <Here> and on my FaceBook page.

Courtney Starts School

Yesterday Courtney, Tracy's 13 year old daughter, started school here in Wylie as an 8th grader at Wylie Burnett Junior High. She was a little hesitant about switching schools, as any younger person would be, but she made the best of it and walked home that same day after making several new friends.

She has the standard arrangement of courses, including an pre-AP science class (which made me very happy) that she is looking very forward to experiencing. Tracy and I met her science teacher as well as all of her other teachers last week during the "Meet the Teacher & Schedule Pick-Up" night. We also met the coach of the girl's athletics department. Courtney has signed up for athletics, which is a class, plus those enrolled in the class can try out for various sports teams. Courtney is going out for the volleyball team. She has to be up at the school Tuesday through Friday of this week every morning at 7:00 am sharp for try outs. On Friday she is supposed to learn if she made the team or not. Either way, she is now officially a Buccaneer, the school mascot. Wylie has a whole pirate motif for the schools, because as we all know many pirates anchored their tall ships off the coast of Dallas.

It's an exciting time in the house. The past two nights that Tracy and I have come home, it has been to a smiling 13 year old who is very much enjoying the school experience. I don't know if that will last, but I will enjoy it while it does. Next year it's off to highschool and I remember how well that turned out for me; then again I did end up at TU, so I guess I didn't do too horrible. Maybe I can talk Courtney into going to my alma mater.

Now we are only into the first two days of school, but I think she is going to do very well. She loves to read, enjoy science and has no love for math. How can I not love all those things.