Meet the Pirates 2009

Color Guard of That Wylie Band Last night the wife and I headed over to Wylie High School for Meet the Pirates 2009. This is an annual event where all the parents of students involved in sports and band are invited to see the new teams and before they are presented to the school as a whole.

One of our daughters is in Color Guard, which is part of "That Wylie Band,"so we were invited to come. The entire band was there to show what they have been working on for the past month. They did a wonderful job and we could tell they have all been working very hard. Made all that much more impressive when you realize how extremely hot it has been this summer. While I a may be a little biased, it was really their night.

Of course the sports teams were there: football, tennis, golf and volleyball. The sports medicine group was there as well. The drill team and the cheerleaders were also there to show their support and be introduced. While the crowd went crazy when the football team was introduced, I'm sure it is nothing as crazy as it will be this coming Friday when they play their first home game.

Tracy and I had a good time and I'm sure we will be spending a great deal of time at Wylie's Pirate Stadium in the months to come.

Photos of the event can be found in my gallery <Here> and on my FaceBook page.