
Coming Soon…

A friend of mine has asked me to join him in a Mac round table discussion. The frequency of the show hasn't yet been determined, nor my frequency on the podcast. The topics of each episode will always be Mac or iOS related. I've done a few shows with him in the past and they have always been fun. Looking forward to doing more of them. If only because they are a change of pace from my day job, but mostly just because it's fun! I am a geek after all.

Once we have a show in the can, that's what those TV types call it right, I will post a link here and in my usual social feeds.

TechFan Podcast

Great group of guys and a great episode. Mark Greentree originally shared this post:

Check out myself plus +Dennis Freitas +Jeffrey Bradbury and +Kelly Spore Hi-jacking the TechFan Podcast.

On this episode of Not Another Tech Fan Podcast Mark is joined by Dennis Freitas, Jeff Bradbury and Kelly Spore.

We discuss on this episode: G+ and social networking, Technology in education, and RANT: Our likes and dislikes at the moment

- Mark can be found at http://about.me/markgreentree and his podcast is Not Another Mac Podcast.
- Dennis can be found at http://about.me/dennisfreitas and his podcast is Google Plus Today.
- Jeff can be found at www.TeacherCast.net and his podcast is TeacherCast.
- Kelly can be found at http://kellysworld.net/

iTunes - Podcasts - TechFan by MyMac.com

Download past episodes or subscribe to future episodes for free from TechFan by MyMac.com on the iTunes Store.

AudioBoo: TechFan Plug

I had a great time recording this podcast. Here are some of my thoughts on the podcast episode as we await it's release into the wild later this weekend.

TechFan Podcast - Great Time By All

I was one of the guests this week. Man it was fun. A great couple of debates. On one of them I found myself the odd man out defending the great Apple mothership. Alas, I think I lost the debate. But the voting may have been skewed. Be sure to subscribe to the guys listed below. They are each very knowledgable and provide some excellent content on Google Plus.

Dennis Freitas originally shared this post:

Just Recorded a new episode of the TechFan Podcast with +Mark Greentree +Jeffrey Bradbury and +Kelly Spore Spent 1st 30 minutes discussing Google+ Move on to a Great Debate on iOS 5 and iCloud! Gets pretty heated should be a good listen. Will be posting show in a couple days!

iTunes - Podcasts - TechFan by MyMac.com

Download past episodes or subscribe to future episodes for free from TechFan by MyMac.com on the iTunes Store.

MacBreak Weekly - 188

This is one of my favorite podcasts, I watch or listen every week. If you use or covet Apple devices, then you need to checkout MacBreak Weekly. The show is corny, funny, informative and I even learn something from time to time. It's a great highway podcast. It's hosted by Leo Laporte, Alex Lindsay and Andy Ihnatko. All of whom are long time Mac users, and not afraid to say something negative about Apple or Mac when they don't like it.


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