Need a GooglePlus Invite?

If you are interested in seeing what all the hubbub is about over at Google, I can offer some invites to GooglePlus. They come and go like the wind, but each existing member gets invites. I can add you to a list of folks wanting one and when invites become available I will send you one. When you do get in, don't forget to add me to one of your "circles" and you have to try Hangouts. Up to 10 folks video chatting at a time. Pretty awesome! What is GooglePlus? Well that's a hard one to answer. I prefer to think of it as though Facebook and Twitter hooked up one night, and GooglePlus was the result. It has some of the features of Facebook and some of the features of Twitter. At the moment it's not really competing with either; especially since it is in beta, but mostly because it's also something different. The big question on my mind is simply, who is going to use it?

Right now it's techie folks, geeks. Rumors are they already have millions of users, but Google isn't saying. Since it is a beta, the basic features are probably set in stone but how those features work may change with time.

A great place to stay on top of GooglePlus is to check out a friends podcast, GooglePlusToday. His podcast is available on iTunes.  This just happens to be the podcast I got to do a guest appearance on the other day. That session is already in the stream, so please check it out. For 30 minutes I get to sound like I know what I'm talking about, probably failing for 29 minutes of that time. Okay, maybe only 20.

Send Me a GooglePlus Invite