Mac OS X

WWDC Keynote 2012 (HD Video)

On June 11th Apple gave their annual WWDC keynote address. While they released the video of the keynote on their website that same day, they didn't make an HD version immediately available. On the 15th they posted a high qualify HD version on YouTube of the entire event. If you haven't watched yet, then here's your opportunity. Be warned, as I said last week it's a long one, clocking in at nearly 2 hours. If you are expecting to see a new iPhone, this isn't the keynote for you. Check back in September or October.

WWDC 2012 Keynote Announcements

My friend over at the has a quick run down of all the major announcements from Apple's WWDC 2012 keynote address. The basics are this though: Snow Lion in July for $19.99, iOS 6 in Fall for Free, MacBook Air updates, MacBook Pro updates, NEW Retina MacBook Pro for $2199 and Siri comes to the iPad. If you want to see the Keynote then pop over to Apple's Event website for the Apple WWDC 2012 Keynote Address. Be warned, it's nearly 2 hours long; but enjoyable if you are an Apple aficionado. If not, the MoxieMo video below is perfect!

I'll post some of my thoughts later in the week.

Snow Leopard Coming

Last night I saw on Twitter that Amazon has Snow Leopard available for Pre-Order, both the individual and family pack. This is excellent news as it means that we will see Snow Leopard in September, maybe as early as the first week of September. That's only a guess though. Apple makes no reference to being able to pre-order the latest version of their operating system yet, but then they never do. What is Snow Leopard? It is Macintosh OS 10.6, or the 6th version of what is commonly referred to as Mac OS X. For you windows users out there, it's kinda our Windows 7. Mac users won't be getting any major new features, but what we will be getting is dramatically faster speed, smaller foot print (install) and developers gets lots of new tools to make lots of new and really cool software that will be Mac only.

If you are a Mac user and have an Intel Macintosh, then don't ponder - just go to Amazon and order Snow Leopard. The cost, well, less than taking your family to a movie. For an individual copy good for one computer, it's $29. For a family pack good for up to 5 computers it's only $49. So even if you have only two Macs, you might as well get the Family Pack and save $10.

Amazon Snow Leopard 10.6

Mac OS 10.5 Coming Sooner Than Later

Leopard Mac OS 10.5

Those that know me, know that I've once again become a Mac Head. I love my PowerBook and really do believe that Apple continues to create some of the best hardware and software in the industry today; and is doing a kick butt job with consumer devices as well. Anyway, their much anticipated competitor to Windows Vista is Mac OS 10.5; code name Leopard, is apparently on track to get released in early Spring instead of late Sprint or Early summer. The later time frame has been given by Apple for some time now, but it seems things are going better than anticipated.

Macrumors is reporting that this news is currently "unconfirmed," but their confidence must be at least somewhat strong or they would have put the news on what they call "Page 2," their stories that are very much rumor with no credible source. Apparently they have recieved their information from a report. Could be true, might not be... who knows...

Though unconfirmed, claims that Apple's Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard will be shipping by the end of March "according to sources."This date corresponds to an earlier report from ThinkSecret that Leopard development was "wrapping up faster than many at Apple even anticipated". Based on this earlier report, the new versions of iLife '07 and iWork '07 are expected alongside Leopard. Even after many false rumors about potential Apple media events, buzz continues about the possibility of a future Apple release event.