Medieval Times

Tonight I'm taking the family to Medieval Times to celebrate one of our daughters 18th birthday. I've been before, but only once. Our youngest has never been, and the others have been several times. If you haven't heard of Medieval Times before, have you seen The Cable Guy?There is a scene in that movie that takes place in one of the Medieval Times.Basically it's a 2 hour event that includes watching various medieval equestrian events like jousting while you enjoy a multicourse meal served by a multitude of serving wenches in medieval style. In other words you are left to tear, cut and scoop with only the eating utensils you were born with: fingers and teeth. It's all about the atmoshphere. It's not inexpensive, $60 a ticket, but it's also not something you do with any regularity. The events and the food don't change much over time, so what you saw last year will be simillar to what you see this year; but the same can be said of a broadway show, and you don't get to tear at a chicken on broadway! It's a fun way to celebrate her birthday and more important it's what she wanted to do for birthday number 18. Wow, I've got an 18 year old daughter??!?