Kelly's Tweets for 2009-08-30

  • Upgraded my MBP to Snow Leopard last night. Can't tell you what I think. Haven't used it. Shutdown was FAST though. #
  • Working today in the office till 11:00 or so. Supposed to get there around 7:30. Argh. It's Saturday. #
  • @patricknorton okay, you are either up real early or you aren't in SF. in reply to patricknorton #
  • @donmcallister Did the SL upgrade and then watched your show. Kinda backwards, but all went well. I think. in reply to donmcallister #
  • Okay, both Intel Macs have been updated with Snow Leopard. Definite speed bump, but nothing huge. Can't wait to see what developers do. #
  • @macnewsweekly Planet Earth in HD... very cool. I've seen it in BlueRay 1080p and it is amazing. in reply to macnewsweekly #
  • Screen Recording in QuickTime X is very cool. Doesn't have the features of standalone apps, but screen recording in HQ for free! Very cool! #
  • QuickTime Screen Recording - Will record iTunes video playing, but only shows when in Expose. When on the screen normal, video is grey. #

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