Kelly's Tweets for 2009-08-29

  • @donmcallister for keeping up with a select group of folks or having a non-realtime convo I find FaceBook easier than Twitter. in reply to donmcallister #
  • @dsilverman they changed how they report space. Gone with laymen calculation and not technical. in reply to dsilverman #
  • @donmcallister streaming from iPhone possible? in reply to donmcallister #
  • Snow Leopard arrived around 10:00 am this morning from FedEx... Can't really install right now, but am making a personal back-up of Disc. #
  • Okay I'm here at Wylie Stadium and I think the whole town is here. Well, at least the loud ones. #
  • 1st quater over. Hebron 7, Wylie 0. Not a great start. #
  • My daugther performs at her first football game in a few minutes. Very excited. I know she will do great. #
  • End of first half Hebron 13 Wylie 7 #
  • @sinned24 Wylie vs Hebron High School football. Friday Night Lights! in reply to sinned24 #
  • Excellent job! Entire That Wylie Band did great! Of course I'm a bit partial to one of them. #
  • Okay. Now that half time is over I half to go fetch the other daughter. #
  • What county did I Park in? #

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