Announcing KellysWorld Relaunch

Letter sent to family and friends announcing the relaunch of KellysWorld. Use commenting to tell me what you think. Letter:

Most of you should know about my website I've had it since October 2002 and started blogging in early 2003.

Recently I switched to a new publishing platform and relaunched the site 2 weeks ago. It's not perfect and it isn't going to win WebSite of the year but it's a decent offering.

The content remains the same but some design and publishing changes give me more control and from just about anywhere in the world.

I've tied my site in with Twitter, micro blogging site, and added some features that weren't available to me before. For example the site can now be translated into any of four langueges instantly. Not terribly useful but one of them is Korean and I have a few Korean friends that check in on ms occassionally.

I'm also looking at the Ability for others to post stories, photos and other items. I have a few options in that area and we shall see.

One really cool benefit of the change is that posts back to day one (2003) are now available for view. It's strange reading stuff I wrote 5 years ago, much of it spure of the moment.

There is a commenting system, but you do have to register to use it. Eventually I may increase security it depends on how much web spam I get. Right now it's wide open.

Photos currently link to my MobileMe photo site and Tracy's. Still thinking about that one. Lots of options.

Site isn't done yet, but i thought I would let you all know of the relaunch. I'm also looking for suggestions.

Just go to

See you there! Tell me what you think.
