Javier's 21st Birthday


Tracy’s youngest son celebrated his 21st birthday yesterday. For 21 years he has done everything in his power to make his mom go as crazy as possible, but then that’s the job of a son. Of course now he is married and doing everthing in his power to drive his wife, Leslie, crazy. On both counts I can relate, as a son and a husband I’ve done both.

Last night we all got together with Javier and his closest friends for some dinner and fun at Kelly’s East Side, a restaraunt owned and operated by Javier’s best friend’s family. A restaraunt Javier knows well since he helped to decorate it many years ago. We all had a great time, but unfortunetly the family and I had to leave early to insure that Courtney go t a good night’s sleep so she could get up for work today.


Before we left though we got a chance to see Javier’s big 21st birthday present, a racing harness. Javier is not only into fixing cars, but also racing them; legally of course. I could tell that no other present would have been as well recieved as this one. He was smiling the same way I would be if someone gave me a shiny new lens for my camera.

Happy Birtday Javier!

Check out the Photos - Javier’s 21st Birthday or Just link to them form the Gallery.