Wheeling & Dealing


Well, it is Friday morning, very early, and I am off to Oklahoma City. My company has an office there and I have a couple of unexpected meetings to attend. It's an easy drive, but I will still spent nearly 7 hours on the road today. YUCK!!!! I will get to spend some quality time with my iPod though as I'm wheeling down the road.

Speaking of wheeling, we are trying to wheel and deal on the house we want to buy. We may know by tonight if we have one the day or not. It's a very nice house, nearly 3000 sq ft in size. Tracy loves the kitchen and it even has a 3 car garage. This house has plenty of room for all of our STUFF! It is lacking in the back yard, with only a 2x2 patio. I know, you read 2x2 and you are thinking that's a mistake... nope, it's not. The house does have a gorgeous front yard with a covered front porch. Which is nice, it gives me a place to smoke a cigar after a long drive to say, Oklahoma City.

The contract on our house is fully signed, sealed and delivered. We are just waiting on the appraisal and closing. This weekend the process of packing will begin, although we are using movers to do most of the major packing; Tracy wants to pack her stamping collection and some of the ultra-breakable items. If all goes well, we will close on or before the 22nd of June on both houses and be fully moved by the 24th. Stay tuned!

Oh well, time to drive to Oklahoma City. it's only 5 am. What else would I be doing at this time of the day.