Old Look, New Look

Recently the software I used for KellysWorld was updated, bringing new features and abilities. The changes are really on the back-end, but they do allow for eaiser customization and building of the site. One of the downsides of the updated software is that my previous set-up wasn't working as well as I would have liked. Even after getting most everything working, I still wasn't thrilled with the results. The final option was to do a slight redesign of the site, making use of some of the new back-end features. That change precipitated a change in header graphic, the one I had originally used I couldn't find; at least not the original photoshop document.

You won't see anything incredibly different as you tour the site, just a change in color scheme and the blog has some changes. You will notice that not only are their categories, but also tags. Basically, two different ways for me to index the blog, and allow the reader to find what they might be looking to see.

So while we have a new look, it is still the old look. Tell me what you think.