New Video Available


If you check out the Gallery you will find that I have added a new video. I created this video last weekend for Carlos Jr. first birthday party. The video is a three part photo montage of Carlo's first year of life. It wasn't too difficult to create, especially using the tools on my Mac; in fact it was a lot of fun. I started working on it the night before and had the DVD burned before we left 12:30 the next day. It really is way to easy to do this, all you need is an idea and the willingness to put in a little time.

So, check out my lastest video masterpiece and let me know what you think. As a side note, when you click on the video it may not start right away; the video downloads first. After a little waiting click on the video and it should start. If not, wait a little longer. You can also right click on the link and download the video to your computer.

I've also included an actual video I did last year on the video page, and will include some other videos I've created over the past year or so. All but one are actually photo slideshows set to various types of music.

Go HERE to find the videos.