Personal DVD Collection -- Update

DVD Logo

Some of you may have noticed that last year i added a link to the family DVD collection (a feature that existed early on in KellysWorld history but that was removed in 2005), as well as books and video games. I hadn't updated the list in some time and now I don't think the video game collection is relevant with so many of them counting their age in years. The book collection isn't very up-to-date either, just haven't added them into the database we use. So the new list includes a complete list of all 277 of our DVD's, but does not at this time include video games or books. I have yet to determine if I will add them at a later date or not.

DVD Library Web Page

The DVD list alone is quite extensive and represents many different genres. Each DVD includes a link that allows you to send us an e-mail requesting to "Borrow" a particular DVD. If you see a movie you would like to watch, you are a friend or family and you live nearby; then feel free to drop us a line. We can't watch all 277 at once.

Also included are some of my personal favorites with links to IMDB (Internet Movie Database) for information on cast and crew, Rotten Tomatoes for movie reviews and to Amazon if you are interested in adding that movie to your collection. The database of movies also includes a link to Amazon for every movie; even if it is no longer available.