Rita Brings Javier

While I can't say that Rita brought Houston, Dallas or the rest of the Gulf Coast anything good, I can say that it did allow Tracy a chance to see Javier (one of her sons) for a little while. Courtney was extremely happy as well. They have always been close and even with the distance that now seperates them, they remain so.

Javier currently lives in Houston attending an automotive mechanics technical school for about 18 months. He education there had to take a short break though due to Rita's uninvited arrival in Texas. Like just about every other living soul in Houston, he "evacuated" the city, and like many of his fellow "evacuees" headed to Dallas. Many fled New Orleans for Dallas as well, in the footsteps of those that had already been evacuated to Houston who had to be "relocated" to other shelters. It goes without saying that these Hurricanes just have no regard for the disruption they cause.

Javier's trip up to Dallas, typically about a 5 hour drive took well over 12 hours and he got out early. Many folks were on the road upwards of 24 hours, so long in fact they many ran out of gas. Again, Rita just didn't seem to care about the chaos she caused, even before she came ashore.

We were happy to see Javier, whatever the circumstances. He and Courtney were able to spend some time together and Tracy was able to give her youngest son a good long hug and knowing he was safe. Oh, and we all had the opportunity to see his most recent car purchase, a 2005 Mustang; nearly identical to the Mustang Tracy traded not but six months ago. Who knows, maybe he too will eventually "upgrade" to a BMW..... nah, his a Ford man I fear.