
Kelly's Tweets for 2009-07-21

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Kelly's Tweets for 2009-07-20

  • @Pastor_Brion um, unless mom, dad and you want to tell me something. I YOUR ONLY BROTHER! in reply to Pastor_Brion #
  • Just bought a ton of school supplies and the wife says we aren't done yet? Backpacks, folders and more. I'm too old to hate school. #
  • Going to see Transformers 2 with my the most amazing person in the world my daughter!!!! Yay!:D #
  • Last message was written by the "amazing" daughter. #
  • Transformers was a great ride. Sound went out for several minutes during what looked like a cruicial scene. We scored free tickets though. #
  • RT @afreytes: D.C. police chief says drivers who use iPhone to find speed traps are "cowardly": - that's just too funny. #

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Kelly's Tweets for 2009-07-19

  • On my way to see Public Enemy. Reviews look good. Roger Ebert seemed to like it. #
  • Why do we think it's okay to pay $4 for a small popcorn at the theater? Really, why do we do it? #
  • @mophielovesyou iPhone Battery Dead? I just entered to win 1 of 10 free juice pack airs from mophie. Enter here: #
  • RT @leolaporte "AT&T says 12.7+87.4=251 Don't trust iPhone usage stats when using Intn'l Data Plan. #attsucks" #
  • Watching "Knowing" w/ Nicholas Cage. It's weird. Not saying it isn't worth a view, but it is weird. #
  • @patricknorton People watching is a wonderful sport. The commentary track is the best part. #
  • Been tweeking my website some more. Can now have widgets on some #wordpress pages and not others. I like. #

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Kelly's Tweets for 2009-07-17

  • Hectic day! Lots found on, one of those days where keeping your wits is a little harder to do. #
  • RT @ambermac "¡snoıɹnɔ ǝɹ,noʎ ɟı ןɯʇɥ˙sɹǝʇʇǝןuʍopǝpısdn/ʎɐןd/ɯoɔ˙sǝɹıʍuǝʌǝs ʇno ʞɔǝɥɔ ʇnq 'sıɥʇ op oʇ ʇuɐʍ pןnoʍ ǝuoʎuɐ ʎɥʍ ʍouʞ ʇ,uop ı" #
  • RT @TUAW "Google Brings Location To The Mobile Web On The iPhone (@techcrunch)" COOL! #
  • Rain!!! I forgot what it looked like. #
  • One hell of a day. Got nothing done I wanted to and had every problem it seems could come my way. Oh well. Time for bed. #

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Kelly's Tweets for 2009-07-16

  • Reports, reports, reports. Always reports that need running, reviewing or making. #
  • It feels more like 5pm than 1pm. Is it Friday yet? #
  • I'm normally not a clock watcher, but I can't help myself today. #
  • @jeffmccord hey, I've updated KellysWorld. I'm now using WordPress. Could you take a look? Thanks. #
  • If you haven't seen Evians dancing baby ad you need to. I've posted it on my website or you can find on YouTube. #
  • AudioBoo: First KellysWorld Boo #
  • I'm going through and tagging old posts... I started blogging in 2003. It's while reading all those old posts. Walk down memory lane. #

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